Alehorn of Power Fest 2

I heard about 100 people or so. I was going to go but I was at a Bar-B-Q all day and it was very hot then rained, then hot and rained so I felt beat around 10 or so. I was going to go but I started to get tired from being in the sun all day. I heard it was pretty good though.
I typed up a review on the ND forum. Showed up during the band before them - Bible of the Devil. They had a cool Maiden/Motorhead combo sound going, but I didn't like the vocals. Otherwise, they sounded awesome musically. Better live sound than the stuff I heard on their myspace.

ND tore it up. Loved seeing them play.
OK...where's the feedback?! Did anyone go? How was it? Good turnout?

Any pics?!
Me, and a buddy went up .... I thought it was a good show, as I was pretty familiar with Novembers Doom, Crescent Shield, and Slough Feg going in, and knew a little from Bible Of The Devil. I didn't take my camera with me, so no pics.

There weren't many in attendance .. maybe 100 or so. I didn't have to fight my way to get to the front of the stage. You'd think on a Saturday night a show like this could draw a bigger crowd, but no such luck.

I thought the performances were all pretty solid, and I really got into Novembers Doom's set. This was the first I've seen them in about three or four years, so I was really excited to hear the material from their last two discs. They were awesome.

I really enjoyed the Crescent Shield debut, so getting to hear those tunes was really cool. They've got some really catchy old school type material, and I thought it came off pretty well in the live setting.

I had to cut out after only a handful of Slough Feg tracks .. it was late, and I had a couple hour drive ahead of me. What I heard was great ... they seemed pretty energetic, and I really enjoyed what little I was albe to stay for.

All in all it was a fun time .... I'd sure go again. Hopefully they did well enough to have a 3rd go around next year.
