Alehorn Of Power Review

A few years back at the Haunted/Kataklysm show Jason and I met a bunch of high school kids who were into metal. They were next to us in line and they were talking to us about all the bands they are into and surprised that some of them just played Chicago and stuff.

Oh man, so many stories came out of that night.

Great example though Bob, of kids who get in and out of stuff quickly.

Also, lots of younger kids who are only into metal (or any other genre for that matter) are not the type to really listen to a band before passing judgement.

I remember one of those guys we met at the show thought Manowar were a classic rock band. Case in point, I am sure said guys would certainly unfairly classify a band like Novembers Doom as well without even sitting down with an album.

Hopefully things will start to turn around and another all ages opportunity will come up.