Alexi has his own signature strings with DR

Aug 25, 2007
The strings are probably no different than say... a pair of tite fits but the fact that it has alexi's name on it they will jack the price up.
They look badass cus Alexi is on the box. He uses DR Jeff Healey gauge anyways which are exactly the same. I would like to continue buying DR but they are $17AUD here and D'Addario are only $10 so I will go for them. I can't REALLY hear much of a difference. I would preffer the DR ones though
they say AL up where the string gauge is instead of JH (Jeff Healey) so thats gotta mean something. But yes, it does look like they pasted Alexi to the box XD
i dont see how these strings are any different then normal dr 10's
just cause alexi's name is on them doesn't make them amazing.
but good for him on having signature strings