Alexi Sawtooth Nut Size HELP HELP

Mar 11, 2008
Hey Guys Im goin to get a gold Floyd Rose tremolo for my Alexi Sawtooth and where i am to order in i have to pay a fuckin 400 buck deal i need to know the nut size...its i guess a 42 mm or 43 mm neck width..whats the NUT SIZE[no pun intended]R..1,..2,..3....please help i really am about to go and get it like a few hours..its hard to get info on this online OMG:headbang::kickass:
i sure will put it up my brother..I PROMISE :)...but my guitar will only arrive from japan in about june LOL cause of its order..well i hope in june OMG cause they cant garenty the time sorry..but once i get it ill put the gold floyd rose in :) with them gold tuners Mhhh i want it so badly now :(..i have to admit this even as STUPID AS IT SOUND...i have woken up in the middle of the night in cold sweats thinkin about the guitar lol its influencing me that much..i sound like a retard now but im really in love with it LOL XDXDXD hahahaha

PS i didnt want to screw more well tones more money for a gold trem when i can get an original really much cheaper elsewhere compared from the order quote hehe XD
lol yea buts its been taken..anyways i wont sleep well if when i first knew if the ESP sawtooth i didnt get the real shit lol theres a breach of satisfaction..dont think of me like an ass but its true haha...anyways i was thinkin of gettin withre the arrowhead or the pinksawtooth for my next guitar cause really it looks awesome :) \m/
^Same here.

@orcy uk: Don't forget to post the pics there, you'll always find the link in my sig, :lol: I love that guitar, I just need to save up. Althouhg I might save up for the tr00 ESP, :lol: