alexi's esp anyone play one?

thanx alot. yeah i only been playing a year. i dont know if i deserve it =/
I wouldn't bother with a ESP RV or any custom shop model unless your a pr0 touring musician. And heck, those Edwards look pretty damn nice, they definetly shouldn't be shitty to play on. But hey if you got tonnes of money to blow on a RV (which I doubt, your 13, unless your parents <3 you, no offence :P) knock yourself out! The way I always think of it... for the price of a ESP RV, you could get the Edwards RV and a real kick ass tube amp and cab or another kick ass guitar. You know you get some kids that save up heaps for a custom, but play on the shittest amps... Decent guitar and kick ass amp > Awesome guitar and shit amp :D

the RV goes for about 5500 here in Aus, I think i'd rather spend 5500 on a Edwards RV and a Caparison Dellinger :D

Anyways, that rant was about, you know, spend your money wisely lol. Nice shirt too hun, im wearing the exact same one now :D
Hi! I'm new here... :D

Well, I own the Edwards Alexi.. and I wanna show you some pics of her :P











Shouldn't I link those pics? :D

I got her last month.. pretty cool guitar.. for a nice price :P But maybe I'm gonna sell her... We'll see.. :)

Yes, I AM a Fanboi ;P
Yeah, the Edwards Scythe looks pretty cool.. I think I'm going to sell my Edwards and buy the Scythe... or... something that's hotter.... :D
what kind of Edwards do you have the E-120-AL Sawtooth? that thing is damn hot To :D lol but personally i think the Scythe is Way Cooler :D but if i have Enough Money i m going to buy them both :D
Yeah, I have the Sawtooth.. I dig the Scythe more.. Last year I asked Makoto Suzuki from ESP if Edwards will ever release an Edwards Version of the RV-350AL Scythe.. he said that this is a good question etc.. and now, they did, and that's pissing me off :P Whatever, I'm ordering mine hopefully soon.. but maybe I'm going to buy a very cool special fucking awesome ESP... o.O

I posted pics of my Edwards at page 5^^
Cool Very Cool
Dude if i Were you
i Should keep the Sawtooth and Buy the Scythe to
so you have both Alexi Sigs

Dude Those Guitars Rocks... hee can you tell me how you import the that guitar from Japan?
Yeah, I thought about that, too.. But I can't afford another one.. so I gotta sell this one here :D I dreamed about beeing the Edwards Alexi Dude.. but.. yeah, the money.. :P

I ordered mine from ebay.. You pay the guitar, they send her, you gotta go to the customs and pay the custom shit, and then, you have your guitar :D My Edwards came a bit too late, because of Christmas and New Year.. that was pissing me off.. and then I went to the customs (about 30km) to pick the guitar up.. and then.. those fuckers wanted about 210&#8364;... maaaan I was just like.. FUCK YOU! xD Then I went home.. My aunt picked the guitar up the next day.. I had school 'til 5pm xD I was so nervous that day :D
Yeah, that pissed me really off :D Whatever, now I have her :P

Yes, I bought mine from him :)

Because of my fucking english, you should have realized that I live in Germany. :P
So your the one from this?

humm i dont hope that if i m going to Buy one of those Guitars from him that i have to go the the Post office and pay 210&#8364; to :S i should mail him before i buy one with this information :P

lol you live in Germany i live in the Netherlands
how much your asking for the Edwards? if your the one from that page i linked in this post :P

By the Way your English is very Good for a Germany person :-) i don't mean to blaim Germany of there English i mean your doing Good English
I saved my money over a year and asked my parents and my aunt to give me some &#8364;&#8364;&#8364;.. :D I don't have/had a job.. :D
So your the one from this?

humm i dont hope that if i m going to Buy one of those Guitars from him that i have to go the the Post office and pay 210€ to :S i should mail him before i buy one with this information :P

lol you live in Germany i live in the Netherlands
how much your asking for the Edwards? if your the one from that page i linked in this post :P

By the Way your English is very Good for a Germany person :-) i don't mean to blaim Germany of there English i mean your doing Good English

Yeah, I'm also on this forum, but that's not me :P

Hit me with an offer.. :P

Thanks.. :D