Alexi's guitar roll FAILS!

-[chop]-;7190317 said:
LoL @ this thread and how it has gone from a bad guitar roll to...well this :lol:

I'm proud to have started this whole guitar smashing discussion by posting a picture of Jimi Hendrix burning his guitar. :kickass:

In honor of this thread I will steal Alexi's guitar (again....) and brake it and upload the video to youtube :kickass:

Hell yeah!!!!! :kickass:

And I think everyone on this forum will come to your house and murder you :heh:

That OR congratulate him! :kickass:
POSTJUMP:^I will, :lol: I fucking love the Pink Sawtooth :lol:

purpose of concerts are fucking rock the audience and the band fucking do anything for rock the audience. Breaking the guitar included too.. But if i have got and ESP or Jackson, i try to do not break them:)

I don't think breaking your guitar is fun/entretaining, at least I wouldn't laugh if I go to a gig and see that. If he doesn't want it, then he can give it to me.

Alexi is awesome and all, but that video is just lofl. :lol:

Indeed, :lol::kickass:

Exactly, purposely breaking gear is stupid. Even if you "have the money to do it", there's someone else who could get a lot of use out of your instrument, and if you have to resort to shit like that to impress the crowd, obviously your music+stage show isn't good enough.

EXACTLY. Showing off and making a bit of spectacle is ok, but if you have to stard breaking guitars and doing weird stuff to entretain the crowd then go to your fucking rehearshal place and compose better songs.

Watch the DVD

For the *has lost the count* time? I already almost know what happens in each minute and that shit, I've seen this DVD more times than all the other DVD's I own together.

...and you need to wonder if you get drunk of a couple of beers.:lol:

QFT :kickass:

no body mentioned ripping skin or whatever... the thing is that most of the guys on this forum work hard for their guitars, and they mean something to them... their all hard work was invested in the gear and i don't think that anyone would like their guitar being smashed... but nevertheless, famous people do tend to destroy their gear... what James Heitfield said once: "If people don't like the music, they will definitely like the fireworks!"
so go figure...

i asked you about your age because i thought you were some kid which still didn't get a chance do get a job and work his ass off for money he earns... i'm not saying you didn't get a job or didn't work your ass off, but in any case, you don't know the value of money since you don't give a damn about smashing guitar...

Well he has composed Load, Reload and St. Anger, so it's easy to see why he has to break guitars and have lots of fireworks.

In honor of this thread I will steal Alexi's guitar (again....) and brake it and upload the video to youtube :kickass:

I never did that kind of gay flashy crap on stage, though afterwards ai would take my RR and grab the long wing and hold it over my head to say thanks, good night, all that shit.
:lol::lol: I'm not apathetic on stage, but I don't do rolls as if my guitar breaks, ESP won't come and handle me a new one, and, most important, I won't have 6 extra guitars lying around to finish the gig, :lol: I do headbang a lot though and interact with the crowd if possible (sometimes they just want you to finish and others you simply can't f.e. cos stage is too high like in our 2nd live gig, :lol: My feet were over the crowds heads, so that way either you're the singer and have a mic or you can just headbang and smile, :lol: My avatar proves my addiction to headbanging, :lol:
That's the point, maybe you would do it if you had other 9 guitars and of course you wouldn't breake your main guitar, for example, Kirk Hammett in the '92 San Diego gig was playing then he got another guitar played a little solo and started hitting it and all that, then he got his main guitar and continued playing it without harming it.
I was not talking of breaking it but of doing a simple roll and, in case it failed, havea backup to finish the gig. I wouldn't smash a guitar even if it was a 50€ shitty academy and I had 100 tr00 ESPs and Jacksons and Ibanez and Caparisons. I simply find nothing cool or funny on doing it.
Well he has composed Load, Reload and St. Anger, so it's easy to see why he has to break guitars and have lots of fireworks.

Pfft! Het owns you =P

anyways...destroying instruments is good showmanship. Its hurting something you love to make the concert kick ass. Most people just loosen the neck so it then comes right off.

As far as the Jimi Hendrix guitar burning thing...he was on alot of LSD and/or STP so....
Pfft! Het owns you =P

anyways...destroying instruments is good showmanship. Its hurting something you love to make the concert kick ass. Most people just loosen the neck so it then comes right off.

As far as the Jimi Hendrix guitar burning thing...he was on alot of LSD and/or STP so....he was KFC

I was not talking of breaking it but of doing a simple roll and, in case it failed, havea backup to finish the gig. I wouldn't smash a guitar even if it was a 50€ shitty academy and I had 100 tr00 ESPs and Jacksons and Ibanez and Caparisons. I simply find nothing cool or funny on doing it.

Hell, I saw a video on YouTube of a guy playing a song in Guitar Hero II on Expert and fucking breaking his guitar afterwards and even THAT rocked! And it was just a plastic toy guitar!!!! :kickass: :lol:

Well... when it comes to breaking things. in 3 consecutive days i accidently ripped the back door off my house, still need to replace it, Fck the entire house supply of water (we had to live out of buckets of water for half a week... couldnt flush toilets ewwww) and my toast caused the power to my house blow a fuse or something... however when it comes to breaking instruments.... Id do it as long as i dont own it.