Alexi's new line of fashion


Torment Christian Souls
Oct 31, 2005
Check em' out. Now you can have the most awesome shirts ever, becuase ALEXI is on them. It looks like the Micheal Jordan symbol.


lycanthropyhowl said:
you think he's going to wear a shirt with himself on it?

Hahah I would wear a shirt with myself on it. I've worn a sweatshirt with just my name printed on it.
I'd wear a shirt that ahd my pciture and name on it. Why should I promote some random company that isn't me? I rather wear my face and name, plus it'd funny as fuck to do it. Cause then you'd have to act like a self cnetered asshole, to make it even better, lmfao.
imisseverygood showbecauseiam5 said:
yeah but cleaning your fret board wud kick ass! :D:D:D:D:D:D

This is true. It would also justify the purchase of that "fret lube" shit I see near the guitar picks.