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"the absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence"

i think at this point the "burden of proof" rests on the shoulders of the sceptics because any "true believer" will tell you that many, perhaps even the majority, of alien abductions/UFO sightings are hoaxes, but can anyone conclusively prove "beyond the shadow of a doubt" that every single individual alien/UFO case (millions of seperate cases documented) was a hoax/hallucination?!? and could investigate and debunk each of those millions of cases completely individually from all the others???
there's too many unexplainable bone malformations/metal implants/illnesses being cured/watches being unexplainably permanantly "broken" too many cases where everyone in a whole city south of the equator is seeing the same craft at the same time etc etc etc
Norsemaiden said:
Has anyone got anything to say about the alleged flying saucer base in Antarctica?
i remember that being the story-arc of an episode of the x-files
does anyone remember the theory that the aliens can't travel faster than light and that they came to this solar system on multi-generational ships and that they colonized "the dark side of the moon"???
Excuse my stupidly long absence........I've had some missing time (excuse the pun).
Apologies to the various people who asked me questions related to my original post. Anyway it's great to see that there's actually been some intelligent discussion going on. Quite often when I start these things off they just fade away before even starting........that is not through fault of my own but rather when people just turn a blind eye to considering the possibility.

Lord Red Dragon - I've enjoyed reading you enlightening some people :kickass: . Yes the Allagash case is one that has been looked in extensively. Actually this is a weird coincidence burt just the other day I dug out one of my old documentaries and guess what......a certain 4 people were explaining their experience.

What I'm wondering now is did something happen to randomly make this thread stop? I haven;t been around since I created it. The problem with this subject is because of the controlled flow of information available to the public. Too many people make assumptions (before anyone says it - yes so do SOME UFO researchers) which are based on the reality which has been given to them. That I guess is understandable (although I think for us to evolve for the better we have to break through this paradigm) but really more people should consider this -
A long long time ago the general population believed the earth was flat.
Now here's the issue.......yes there is evidence for Aliens, no you can't have it handed to you on a plate. Sadly it doesn't work that way. Before anyone screams why, it's because with all the facts, testimony's, etc there is coverup (no that is not a conspiracy, I consider this a fact), hoaxes and misidentification. However the evidence is in there.
The question is - do you want to search for it? Do you consider the implications of this to be profound for the human race? Are you ready to accept that certain assumptions and "rules" in your head may have to crumble? Again sadly a lot of people would answer no to those and yet would answer yes to the question - "Do you want to know the truth?" Then again as statistics go there are a lot more "believers" now in the world than in the past. Just now they are split. You see, experts in all relevant fields say that anyone who doesn't believe that there is other life in the universe to be completely naive. The question is have they visited us. Personally from my own perspective they have been for a long time. 12years ago I made a decision to find out about this. Now that I know (at least) part of the enigma is "true" I shall continue this as long as I exist (keeping an open mind of course :p ).

MY own viewpoint is one shared by a lot of people who have delved into this puzzle.......the information is being released to the public at a very minute rate. This is a way of conditioning people to slowly awaken without causing chaos. It's authorities like to do to stay in power. What makes me laugh is the people who say "aliens can't have come here because we would know about it. SETI would make some big announcement or it would be on the new". That is so far from the truth it's comedy. Another misconception is who is covering up information (first you have to get to that realisation stage!!). It is not the "government" as we know it.

Anyway before I send anyone to asleep.......well if anyones reading hehe......I propose asking this
How would you feel if you knew that your thoughts about alien civilisations had been clouded from birth by certain individuals who believe they have the right to contain and control the greatest discovery of the human race?!
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