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Lord SteveO said:
Life has to exist elsewhere in the universe, your basic logic and probability will show you this. Out of the millions of plantes that exist it is practically impossible that only earth supports/has supported life

Aliens on planet earth, well i'm not so sure. I find it interesting that the USA has a rate of claimed alien abductions that is considerably higher than any other country in the world. As a consequence i'm just not convinced that everyone in the USA is telling the truth. If aliens visited the world, you would exect their landings to be equally spread across the globe. Or you may expect them to be concentrated in areas of high population or density. You would not expect the majority to be in one country.

Plus i like to think of it this way: If you assume all planets in the universe had the same chance of developing life as each other, you could speculate that earth would be an average example. (of course there is no way to prove this, its just speculation) But i this were the case, then you could also speculate that any planet that had life would be roughly as developed as us here (assuming the laws of physics and biology etc are similar on other planets and lead to similar development rates). If most planest are as developed as earth, and we have not yet left the solar system, you could speculate that toher planets may be in a similar situation. This makes the the idea of aliens visiting here seem unlikely.
Of course such a way of thinking about it depends on whether earth is average in terms of development, or is at the arse end of the scale or the top. Something we will never know.
Hope that made sense!
in response to the 1st paragraph
i totally agree with it

in response to the 2nd paragraph
if you assume that there really are more aliens in the USA, than the rest of the world, then it's prolly because USA was the country that used the atomic bombs at the end of WW2, but it's also possible that some of the american abductions really are hoaxes/halucinations or that if a non-american were abducted they would be less likely to remember it and come up with other explinations for the mising time

in response to the 3rd paragraph
most astronomers believe that aliens would be MORE advanced than us because it's been proven that most of the universe's solar systems are actually older than this one
Silver Incubus said:
Some people have even speculated that ther once was a planet between earth and Mars and that our ancestors starseeded this planet as theirs was going to be destroyed. I think that there is some kind of astroid belt between earth and mars? possibly a detroryed planet. I dunno bout that starseed crap, but who knows, anything is possible
i've heard of this theory that the astroid belt used to be a planet with life on it, i think this theory was based on some analysis of some pieces of meteorites that were suposedly from the asteroid belt
To final_product: I don't really appreciate my posts being edited. If it was for "intellectual" reasons, I suggest you atleast spell it right. "Addicts", not "adicts." No hard feelings. I just don't see the big deal for using "druggies" instead of "drug addicts".
in response to the 1st paragraph
i totally agree with it

in response to the 2nd paragraph
if you assume that there really are more aliens in the USA, than the rest of the world, then it's prolly because USA was the country that used the atomic bombs at the end of WW2, but it's also possible that some of the american abductions really are hoaxes/halucinations or that if a non-american were abducted they would be less likely to remember it and come up with other explinations for the mising time

What? Why would there be more aliens in the USA? That statement alone doesn't make sense and I doubt it could be explained in any way (why would atomic bombs have an impact on aliens visits?)

To think of it, I doubt the aliens (IF they come to Earth) see the earth as a fractionned land with multiple countries on it. They see it as one big globe and they are not very likely to have one favorite place to visit.
AsModEe said:
What? Why would there be more aliens in the USA? That statement alone doesn't make sense and I doubt it could be explained in any way (why would atomic bombs have an impact on aliens visits?)

To think of it, I doubt the aliens (IF they come to Earth) see the earth as a fractionned land with multiple countries on it. They see it as one big globe and they are not very likely to have one favorite place to visit.
first the aliens got seriously freaked out when we used the atom bomb because they saw humans the way we would look at monkeys... now imagine a large gage full of about a hundred monkeys and all of a sudden you notice one of them has a loaded gun... that's what the aliens saw when USA used the atomic bombs on hiroshima. Durring ww2 all the countries on Earth were reporting seeing flying craft that they thought were extraterestrial, but after we "droped the bomb" the number of UFO sightings in other countries DE-creased at the exact same time that the UFO sightings in USA IN-creased, it's all documented stuff that really couldn't possibly be a coincidence
first the aliens got seriously freaked out when we used the atom bomb because they saw humans the way we would look at monkeys... now imagine a large gage full of about a hundred monkeys and all of a sudden you notice one of them has a loaded gun... that's what the aliens saw when USA used the atomic bombs on hiroshima. Durring ww2 all the countries on Earth were reporting seeing flying craft that they thought were extraterestrial, but after we "droped the bomb" the number of UFO sightings in other countries DE-creased at the exact same time that the UFO sightings in USA IN-creased, it's all documented stuff that really couldn't possibly be a coincidence

Yes i have also heard that they tend to be seen near nuclear power plants as well.

And apparently Mexico has tons of UFO sightings all the time.
are you implying that mexico has nuclear weapons that the world's genral public doesn't know about???

He said: Power stations.

Also, stop this useless conjecture. As a logical fact, one can accept the huge possibility of life developing elsewhere, but this endless bullshit being spouted out reads like a story.

It reads like the conspiracy theories of those hack authors and "scientists" who spread this idiocy all over the world. They know jack-shit, as do you. It's all based some some fanatic obsession with conspiracy.
nuclear power plants, as for the rest, google search "allagsh four" and prove to me that this incident was a hoax/hallucination

A nuclear program to supply power is different from that intended to build weapons.

Also, the Allagash four seem no more believable to me than most other cases of alien abduction. Call me a cynic, but the amazing repercussions for their careers makes it almost seem faked.

The story is now almost formulaic. Furthermore, there are studies into alien abduction as a psychological issue, please check this link:

John Mack also has done interesting research into alien abduction as just another realm of hallucinogenics. While he tends to lean more towards wacky theories of alien DNA restructuring, which I disagree with, his simple idea that alien abduction is our simplified way of explaining a transcendent experience seems quite potent.
Final_Product said:
A nuclear program to supply power is different from that intended to build weapons.

Also, the Allagash four seem no more believable to me than most other cases of alien abduction. Call me a cynic, but the amazing repercussions for their careers makes it almost seem faked.

The story is now almost formulaic. Furthermore, there are studies into alien abduction as a psychological issue, please check this link:

John Mack also has done interesting research into alien abduction as just another realm of hallucinogenics. While he tends to lean more towards wacky theories of alien DNA restructuring, which I disagree with, his simple idea that alien abduction is our simplified way of explaining a transcendent experience seems quite potent.
there were four of them, if it was a fucking hoax, sooner or later the thing would have fallen apart, there would have been inconsistances with their stories with the eventual "breaking down" of one or all of them, this happened so fucking long ago that if it was any kind of hoax, or even any kind of exaggeration, someone would have already long ago been on CNN saying "the Allagash incident was a hoax"
if you assume that aliens don't exist, then the only remaining pheasible explination is that they were seeing something outside the realm of normal human vision, in which case the allagash four were abducted by ghosts
there were four of them, if it was a fucking hoax, sooner or later the thing would have fallen apart, there would have been inconsistances with their stories with the eventual "breaking down" of one or all of them, this happened so fucking long ago that if it was any kind of hoax, or even any kind of exaggeration, someone would have already long ago been on CNN saying "the Allagash incident was a hoax"
if you assume that aliens don't exist, then the only remaining pheasible explination is that they were seeing something outside the realm of normal human vision, in which case the allagash four were abducted by ghosts

How does "outside the field of human vision" equate to ghosts? I don't see the connection there.

Four of them hardly makes a story totally fool-proof. Testimonies have been taken from thousands of people and then turned out to be totally false.
there were four of them, if it was a fucking hoax, sooner or later the thing would have fallen apart, there would have been inconsistances with their stories with the eventual "breaking down" of one or all of them, this happened so fucking long ago that if it was any kind of hoax, or even any kind of exaggeration, someone would have already long ago been on CNN saying "the Allagash incident was a hoax"
if you assume that aliens don't exist, then the only remaining pheasible explination is that they were seeing something outside the realm of normal human vision, in which case the allagash four were abducted by ghosts

I am assuming that this is about the four people who actually went to an alien homeworld sometime in the 70's or maybe 80's and have come back?
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