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i really don't know the answer to this but i'm totally sure that if you google-searched the right words/phrases you could prolly find a website that answers this question

as i understand them wormholes don't involve time manipulation, just folding space
have you ever seen the scene in "Event Horizon" where the guy from "Jurassic Park" is folding a pin-up poster to explain wormholes to the stupid people???

so even if time manipulation/time travel is totally physically imposible, the aliens would still be able to fold space and get to Earth
We've been through this already and the answer is still unknown. I guess it'll take at least another 100 years before we stand so far with our technologie
as i understand them wormholes don't involve time manipulation, just folding space
have you ever seen the scene in "Event Horizon" where the guy from "Jurassic Park" is folding a pin-up poster to explain wormholes to the stupid people???

Stephen Hawking said (I think few months ago) that in the light of recent studies, it's impossible to use wormholes for travel. Something to do with the fact that black holes (which form wormholes) don't just suck stuff in, but also spew it out.

Not that this in anyway means that interstellar travel is impossible, just that I wouldn't put my money on wormholes, but on some sort of quantum teleportation / dimensional shift - type of stuff if there ever will be such a thing.

@Silver Incubus: Honestly, EVP? That's as credible as those backmasked satanic messages on 80's rock albums. Human mind will form familiar patterns from chaos, that's what it's supposed to do. That's why people see faces on treebark and that's why people hear speech in background noise.
AsModEe said:
when going at the speed of light, time stops for the traveler. So... if they started their trip 10000 years ago, from their point of view, the trip would have taken a fraction of a second.

I confess almost total ignorance on this matter, but I was under the impression it is practically impossible to actually go the speed of light, due to a lack of energy to do so, thus, a living being could only travel at a speed under the speed of light. But I could be wrong.
speed said:
I confess almost total ignorance on this matter, but I was under the impression it is practically impossible to actually go the speed of light, due to a lack of energy to do so, thus, a living being could only travel at a speed under the speed of light. But I could be wrong.
No you're completely right. You probably read my other posts on other threads discussing the same matter. At 98% of light speed, it is considered impossible to accelerate because the amount of energy required is infinite. Remember that it is possible to lauch atoms at the speed of light, but atoms are so light, we don't need that much energy to throw them away. But, a 200 tons space vessel? That's a different thing. Also, they are right now millions of atoms heading straight at us at the speed of light. We don't feel them because of their light weight, obviously. That's what we call movement quantity, and it is expressed by mass x speed.

Btw, at 98% of light speed, they calculated that the rate at which time is slowered is x5 for the traveler, but beyond that 98%, that rate grows exponentially.

edit: sorry for spelling mistakes. My english isn't so good thx to lack of practice.
Voice of God said:
Stephen Hawking said (I think few months ago) that in the light of recent studies, it's impossible to use wormholes for travel. Something to do with the fact that black holes (which form wormholes) don't just suck stuff in, but also spew it out.

Not that this in anyway means that interstellar travel is impossible, just that I wouldn't put my money on wormholes, but on some sort of quantum teleportation / dimensional shift - type of stuff if there ever will be such a thing.

@Silver Incubus: Honestly, EVP? That's as credible as those backmasked satanic messages on 80's rock albums. Human mind will form familiar patterns from chaos, that's what it's supposed to do. That's why people see faces on treebark and that's why people hear speech in background noise.
Thx for proving my point in another thread where I was saying black holes form wormholes, and LRD wouldn't believe me:tickled:

I also agree with what you said, nothing could survive a black hole and thus, wormholes are too deadly to consider a viable way to travel. I don't know why LRD is so convinced it's so possible to artifically fold space, since the amount of energy required would be equal to the energy of a giant sun (IMO, since it's the only thing that can create black holes)
Btw, if galaxies are really getting further and further away from each other, we better find a way to travel fast, or we won't go far. But just imagine it: traveling in the nether must be so boring (emptiness between galaxies) but imagine arriving near a galaxy, having million of stars in a spiral just in front of your eyes. That must be a fucking great sight.
All of this talk of abductees and so on reminds me of the stories of the black panther thats supposed to roam around Britain and often the North of Scotland. The mother of an acquaintance of mine believed that she got bitten on the butt by the black panther and it was in the papers, but i disregard it as utter rubbish and find it hard to think other wise. Even though think this is rubbish, a long time ago me and my family saw something that was much bigger than your average cat but still feline in characteristics. It was dark, so we were never sure what we saw, and have always kept an open mind about it. This all seems kind of similar, urban legends and theories and so on which have followers who truly believe it, but it doesnt mean its true.

I prefer to be opened minded about all of this stuff. For example, weird things have happened in my brothers house with different members of my family, and often times when others have been there, but I would be loathe to say that it is ghosts. If I did I'd regard myself as some crack pot with a bizarre and hyper active imagination. But that's just me. I think the same of the theories about alien abductions, half of the people seem to be crazy before they get 'abducted' anyway (not saying they are all crazy) and so does the women who got her arse bit.
AsModEe said:
let's just do some math.

5% of the stars possess planets around them.

Our galaxy contains billions of stars.

There are billions of galaxies.

So huh... I think we got our answer here. Simple logic triumphs again.

i wish it were that easy.

but, yes. if we assume that life will sprout wherever the conditions are optimal, there will literally be millions of life bearing planets out there. and, assuming evolution takes place wherever life exists, than many of these planets will have intelligent civilizations.

without a doubt im my mind, we are not alone in the universe. maybe within our own solarsystem, take venus, a hot acidic world, uninhabitable to mammals, but, life is flourishing in similar conditions in our own planet. also, some of jupiters moons have active volcanoes and liquid methane flowing on the surface.

the universe is SOOOOO expansive, literally infinite. there is life out there, the question is, will we ever find it, or will it find us first.
AsModEe said:
No you're completely right. You probably read my other posts on other threads discussing the same matter. At 98% of light speed, it is considered impossible to accelerate because the amount of energy required is infinite. Remember that it is possible to lauch atoms at the speed of light, but atoms are so light, we don't need that much energy to throw them away. But, a 200 tons space vessel? That's a different thing. Also, they are right now millions of atoms heading straight at us at the speed of light. We don't feel them because of their light weight, obviously. That's what we call movement quantity, and it is expressed by mass x speed.

Btw, at 98% of light speed, they calculated that the rate at which time is slowered is x5 for the traveler, but beyond that 98%, that rate grows exponentially.

edit: sorry for spelling mistakes. My english isn't so good thx to lack of practice.

actually, atoms cannot reach the speed of light, they have mass. thats the funny thing about light, it has momentum, but not mass.

when moving at close to the speed of light, both time and space are dilated in the same way the 'energy needed' increases exponentially.

i personally think we will stumble across another einstein level discovery, completely changing our understanding of the universe. its been happening from the beginning, whos to say it wont happen again.
By Design said:
actually, atoms cannot reach the speed of light, they have mass. thats the funny thing about light, it has momentum, but not mass.

when moving at close to the speed of light, both time and space are dilated in the same way the 'energy needed' increases exponentially.

i personally think we will stumble across another einstein level discovery, completely changing our understanding of the universe. its been happening from the beginning, whos to say it wont happen again.
I think you're right, my physic classes are getting further further in my memory.
AsModEe said:
Thx for proving my point in another thread where I was saying black holes form wormholes, and LRD wouldn't believe me:tickled:

I also agree with what you said, nothing could survive a black hole and thus, wormholes are too deadly to consider a viable way to travel. I don't know why LRD is so convinced it's so possible to artifically fold space, since the amount of energy required would be equal to the energy of a giant sun (IMO, since it's the only thing that can create black holes)
okay assume this^^^ is acurate (which i'm not btw)
then assume that there are really extraterestrials on Earth
how would YOU explain how the aliens are getting here???
i'm not being sarcastic or anything, i'm actually asking a question
By Design said:
but, yes. if we assume that life will sprout wherever the conditions are optimal, there will literally be millions of life bearing planets out there. and, assuming evolution takes place wherever life exists, than many of these planets will have intelligent civilizations.

without a doubt im my mind, we are not alone in the universe. maybe within our own solarsystem, take venus, a hot acidic world, uninhabitable to mammals, but, life is flourishing in similar conditions in our own planet. also, some of jupiters moons have active volcanoes and liquid methane flowing on the surface.

the universe is SOOOOO expansive, literally infinite. there is life out there, the question is, will we ever find it, or will it find us first.
i was actually gonna post something pretty much the same as this when the thread first started, but i didn't really think the people would be ignorant of astrology to the point where something like this would actually be nessaccary
Neith said:
All of this talk of abductees and so on reminds me of the stories of the black panther thats supposed to roam around Britain and often the North of Scotland. The mother of an acquaintance of mine believed that she got bitten on the butt by the black panther and it was in the papers, but i disregard it as utter rubbish and find it hard to think other wise. Even though think this is rubbish, a long time ago me and my family saw something that was much bigger than your average cat but still feline in characteristics. It was dark, so we were never sure what we saw, and have always kept an open mind about it. This all seems kind of similar, urban legends and theories and so on which have followers who truly believe it, but it doesnt mean its true.

I prefer to be opened minded about all of this stuff. For example, weird things have happened in my brothers house with different members of my family, and often times when others have been there, but I would be loathe to say that it is ghosts. If I did I'd regard myself as some crack pot with a bizarre and hyper active imagination. But that's just me. I think the same of the theories about alien abductions, half of the people seem to be crazy before they get 'abducted' anyway (not saying they are all crazy) and so does the women who got her arse bit.
if somebody says that they've been abducted by extraterestrials then automatically assuming that they're lying or halucinating would be just as stupid as automatically assuming that the alien abduction actually happened
contrary to the "sceptic" belief system, "keeping an open mind" isn't really just assuming the most unbelieveable theory
i was actually gonna post something pretty much the same as this when the thread first started, but i didn't really think the people would be ignorant of astrology to the point where something like this would actually be nessaccary
Don't you mean astronomy?
if somebody says that they've been abducted by extraterestrials then automatically assuming that they're lying or halucinating would be just as stupid as automatically assuming that the alien abduction actually happened
contrary to the "sceptic" belief system, "keeping an open mind" isn't really just assuming the most unbelieveable theory

I do not really believe either theory, that they did or did not, and i'm not really sure where your coming from with my post and your post. i guess i didn't articulate my post very well. I do not automatically assume that they are lying, but some of the people who come up with these stories seem a little crazy before it apparently happens. I do keep an open mind and by doing that i do not pick a side or theory, and i rarely do about many things such as this, evolution and god, and most of the theories i study in philosophy.
okay assume this^^^ is acurate (which i'm not btw)
then assume that there are really extraterestrials on Earth
how would YOU explain how the aliens are getting here???
i'm not being sarcastic or anything, i'm actually asking a question
that's the thing... I don't really believe there are any aliens on this planet... so the rest doesn't really apply
Neith said:
I do not really believe either theory, that they did or did not, and i'm not really sure where your coming from with my post and your post. i guess i didn't articulate my post very well. I do not automatically assume that they are lying, but some of the people who come up with these stories seem a little crazy before it apparently happens. I do keep an open mind and by doing that i do not pick a side or theory, and i rarely do about many things such as this, evolution and god, and most of the theories i study in philosophy.
some of the abductees seem crazy before the supposed abduction is your limited obsevation, but if you actually STUDIED abduction stories you would find unexplainable peices of metal inside unexpainable bone malformations and unexplainable scar tissue and a great many incedences where 2 or 3 people were abducted together and other things that really couldn't be explained away by halucinations

you could start by google-searching the phrase "allagash four"
Well as i said 'some of the abductees seem crazy before' not all, just some dont seem to be (excuse the pun) on the planet. that is my opinion on what some people appear to be like. As a mentioned above about the woman being bitten, perhaps it did happen, but she was always seeking attention and making up stories before it happened, so i have less reason to believe what she has to say.

I did not say i had not studied it and i dont see why this has to turn into argumentative slagging matches. i have no desire to get this thread locked (as so many are) but i do not see where your coming from with your posts. yes, there are bizarre and unexplainable things about some of the stories, HENCE WHY I KEEP AN OPEN MIND.
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