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Silver Incubus said:
Well just playing devil advocate here, but it could be because once they saw that, they realized that they weren't the only ones experiencing such phenomenon?

Unblind said:
I'm pretty sure there are other lifeforms out there, but I doubt they've ever been to this planet. We are an extremely tiny dot in the middle of infinity, almost like trying to find a particular grain of sand in the Sahara, but worse. Also, for aliens to travel here, they'd probably have to go way faster than the speed of light, unless they were some sort of traveling colony that enjoyed eternal drives. As far as we know right now, traveling at light-speed may be impossible, due to light being one of the fastest things known to man and a light based engine would never be perfect machine (thus never achieving true light speed).

However, just as its possible for humans to exist, it is also just as possible for life NOT to exist anywhere else. You are not being open minded if you think that it's a guarantee the aliens exist. Logical assumptions have lead us wrong in the past.
google search the word "wormhole"

speed said:
I think those that believe in Aliens and the supernatural, are generally those who do not believe in God for whatever reason, and instead place the faith they have into these big eyed men, or Ghosts,etc. Most humans have a need to believe in something.
what about the people that have been abducted???

Silver Incubus said:
What I can never understand is the alien abductions. How can so many people from all over the world be suffering from these nightmares and have no real relevence baffles me the most.
there's been so many people abducted that there isn't really any way you could say that their all makng it up or hallucinating or dreaming, there's just too many of them and too many consistencies

Silver Incubus said:
Well I have often wondered if Angels from the bible aren't actually aliens, because of they way Aliens are said to interact with people and the stories about Angels.
suposedly angelic incedences really are angels, i believe this

Silver Incubus said:
Are you trying to say Ghost aren't real?

I can understand aliens, but Ghosts?, you obviously have never researched Ghost enough to know that there is actually scientific proof that Ghost(in one form or another) exist.

ever heard of EVP? Or even, have you ever been in a really known haunted place?
how could you belive in ghosts but not aliens, there's really so much more proof for the existance of aliens than ghosts
yes i believe in ghosts
there's been so many people abducted that there isn't really any way you could say that their all makng it up or hallucinating or dreaming, there's just too many of them and too many consistencies

Actually what I was saying, based on what I have reasearched, is that Abducetees usually have nightmares about the abductions, before they even accept the fact they they may have been abducted.

So it must be assumed that the aliens hypnotize or do some other mind altering operation to delete the memory of the event. These memories then surface during the night(or even are the abductions themselves desguised as dreams because they wake up tired and sore). Some people have reported different things in abductions stories.

I have heard things from experimenting with reproduction for hybrids, to horrible operations. I remember one woman talking about being taken to take care of the hybrid babies because the greys apperently lack emotions and couldn't comfort the children. Sounds really far fetched but, if the human race was dying because of too much artifical reproduction and we had the technology, Im sure the human race would try to do the same thing. Survival of the species is always #1.
Silver Incubus said:
Actually what I was saying, based on what I have reasearched, is that Abducetees usually have nightmares about the abductions, before they even accept the fact they they may have been abducted. So it must be assumed that the aliens hypnotize or do some other mind altering operation to delete the memory of the event. These memories then surface during the night(or even are the abductions themselves desguised as dreams because they wake up tired and sore). Some people have reported different things in abductions stories.
so it's possible that the aliens are abducting EVERYONE but that only people with certain brain chemistries are able to realize it (theory i saw on tv)
how could you belive in ghosts but not aliens, there's really so much more proof for the existance of aliens than ghosts
yes i believe in ghosts

Well because I have seen/felt ghosts before, and known close people who confided in me to tell me that they can actually see ghosts. I mean when someone describes what they look like to you, it becomes a very different topic.

Whereas I have not had any encounters with Aliens or spacecraft of aliens to say beyond a shadow of a doubt that they exist. Although there is quite a bit of evidence that points to them actually being here, but their intentions are still unknown and mostly dubious as to what they want with us.
I love wacky conspiracy theories as much as the next guy, But I remain sceptical regarding the whole concept of aliens, ghosts and everything else.

I find them to be incredibly simple explanations of things we just simply cannot understand. Folks often also talk themselves into believing they have seen a ghost or been abducted.
Final_Product said:
I love wacky conspiracy theories as much as the next guy, But I remain sceptical regarding the whole concept of aliens, ghosts and everything else.

I find them to be incredibly simple explanations of things we just simply cannot understand. Folks often also talk themselves into believing they have seen a ghost or been abducted.

Well to be honest, both people I have known, where both my gf's. The one had to sleep with a radio on, because otherwise the ghosts wouldn't leave her alone. She called him Freddy. She could sense/hear them ever since her father passed away, which I have heard changes most people.

Plus, I would also like to add, that many doctors see Ghosts of dead patients all the time, but they don't talk about it because they are suppose to be people of science who do not believe in such things. Well they believe it when they see it with their own eyes.
Silver Incubus said:
Well because I have seen/felt ghosts before, and known close people who confided in me to tell me that they can actually see ghosts. I mean when someone describes what they look like to you, it becomes a very different topic.
i've actually had several people trust me enough to confide in me that they've been abducted and i also have several freinds that see/talk to ghosts but i usually don't tell people because there's always a sceptic that says my freinds are crazy or that they're lying and i'm crazy for believing them
i've actually had several people trust me enough to confide in me that they've been abducted and i also have several freinds that see/talk to ghosts but i usually don't tell people because there's always a sceptic that says my freinds are crazy or that they're lying and i'm crazy for believing them

Yeah I feel that way on this board as well:tickled:

But people will be who they are, so I just keep an open mind and respect those who don't believe in the experiences of others.
It's not the idea of refusing to believe out of ignorance. Its refusing to believe because their is an element that it may not indeed be true, for instance it may have a psychological root.
Final_Product said:
It's not the idea of refusing to believe out of ignorance. Its refusing to believe because their is an element that it may not indeed be true, for instance it may have a psychological root.
so what about all those abductees that have whitnesses and unexplainable changes in boneshape and scars and pieces of metal imbedded in them
google search the word "wormhole"

Wormholes are a theory, not factual. I know what you're going to say though, "Neither are aliens, but we're talking about them." This is true.

If there are aliens, isn't it possible they are idiots? They could be more backward and barbaric than we are. Or better yet, aliens could just be more advanced humans from another planet similair to Earth. Evolution lead Earth to the state it is in now. Is it not possible that the same conditions could be replicated somewhere else. I know theres alot of random occurences in nature, but I think that evolution normally takes the most logical course (which could be us).
speed said:
I thought even if they were going the speed of light, it would take thousands of years to go from one galaxy to another.
when going at the speed of light, time stops for the traveler. So... if they started their trip 10000 years ago, from their point of view, the trip would have taken a fraction of a second.
AsModEe said:
when going at the speed of light, time stops for the traveler. So... if they started their trip 10000 years ago, from their point of view, the trip would have taken a fraction of a second.

Do we really know that to be true either? Time is a theoretic dimension, and we have no way of knowing how it would be affected during light speed, or if it could even be manipulated at all.
Unblind said:
Wormholes are a theory, not factual. I know what you're going to say though, "Neither are aliens, but we're talking about them." This is true.

If there are aliens, isn't it possible they are idiots? They could be more backward and barbaric than we are. Or better yet, aliens could just be more advanced humans from another planet similair to Earth. Evolution lead Earth to the state it is in now. Is it not possible that the same conditions could be replicated somewhere else. I know theres alot of random occurences in nature, but I think that evolution normally takes the most logical course (which could be us).
we assume aliens are real (partially because i personally know some abductees) folding space would have to happen in order for the aliens to get to to Earth (unless they're Earthlings from another dimention) so, just because we don't have the ability to fold space (or create interdimentional gateways) doesn't mean that the aliens couldn't have figured it out

aliens being less advanced than humans is a topic that doesn't really apply to this discussion because of the hugeness of the number of solar systems that are older than this one and if an alien civilizaton really is younger than ours, then they wouldn't have developed the folding space technology that would be nessaccary to get here

the idea of aliens looking like humans is possible but those prolly wouldn't be able to breed with us and it's possible the aliens would look very different than humans because of environmental factors on their own world, especially considering the fact the dominant human-esque species on Earth would be reptilian if the dinosaurs hadn't gotten killed off from that meteor
Unblind said:
Do we really know that to be true either? Time is a theoretic dimension, and we have no way of knowing how it would be affected during light speed, or if it could even be manipulated at all.
time changes the faster you're moving this is something that has been measured at airforce bases where the watches of pilots of supersonic jets are syncronized with the watches of the people on the ground, once you get moving past the speed of sound, time changes and your watch won't match the watches of people on the ground
time changes the faster you're moving this is something that has been measured at airforce bases where the watches of pilots of supersonic jets are syncronized with the watches of the people on the ground, once you get moving past the speed of sound, time changes and your watch won't match the watches of people on the ground

Could this just mean that molecules or mechanics move at a slower rate at high speeds? Just like chemical reactions can be slower or faster depending on temperature, could velocities have that same effect? That interests me, I just have a hard time imagining time as something that can be manipulated.
Unblind said:
Could this just mean that molecules or mechanics move at a slower rate at high speeds? Just like chemical reactions can be slower or faster depending on temperature, could velocities have that same effect? That interests me, I just have a hard time imagining time as something that can be manipulated.
i really don't know the answer to this but i'm totally sure that if you google-searched the right words/phrases you could prolly find a website that answers this question

as i understand them wormholes don't involve time manipulation, just folding space
have you ever seen the scene in "Event Horizon" where the guy from "Jurassic Park" is folding a pin-up poster to explain wormholes to the stupid people???

so even if time manipulation/time travel is totally physically imposible, the aliens would still be able to fold space and get to Earth
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