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Well I have often wondered if Angels from the bible aren't actually aliens, because of they way Aliens are said to interact with people and the stories about Angels.

Plus I have heard many stories about millitary people confessing that they have either seen aliens at top secret bases or once, an actual contact with a really sick alien.

Its all pretty interesting, and some countries are much more open about the subject. Apparently there is a government built landing pad for alien craft somewhere in Canada. Some member or ex member of parliament said something about this last year.

Grey's seem to be the most popular of all that i've ever heard of. But I have heard of ones that are tall and ones that are short. Plus stories about ones called Nordic/Pleadians, which are like the Aryan race, tall, blond with noses that connect to their forehead.

What I can never understand is the alien abductions. How can so many people from all over the world be suffering from these nightmares and have no real relevence baffles me the most.
Final_Product said:
Well, I'm sure many Christians would simply take the exclusivist point of view, and insist that the aliens are missing something.

Thing is, faiths here on our own earth pose the same question. If we have two sets of belief structures, both equally as possible/valid, the only way to choose which is "right" is through personal taste or bias, so in a sense we can never know. Damn religion, it took a damn nice idea and pissed all over it.

True, I suppose they could also deny; however, if said aliens were travelling at the speed of light, and were quite technologically advanced, I think they'd have a hard time proving exclusivity. What's the claim? --our god is a simple Iron Age one that hasnt evolved since the fourth century A.D.; but damnit, he will return to extract vengeance on the wicked and unfaithful soon--we think. I know I'd be on my knees worshipping the alien God, or aliens.
speed said:
True, I suppose they could also deny; however, if said aliens were travelling at the speed of light, and were quite technologically advanced, I think they'd have a hard time proving exclusivity. What's the claim? --our god is a simple Iron Age one that hasnt evolved since the fourth century A.D.; but damnit, he will return to extract vengeance on the wicked and unfaithful soon--we think. I know I'd be on my knees worshipping the alien God, or aliens.


I find it hard to believe any society where science has progressed to such a level, would believe in the concept of God (in the christian context, anyways).
speed said:
I think those that believe in Aliens and the supernatural, are generally those who do not believe in God for whatever reason, and instead place the faith they have into these big eyed men, or Ghosts,etc. Most humans have a need to believe in something.

Are you trying to say Ghost aren't real?

I can understand aliens, but Ghosts?, you obviously have never researched Ghost enough to know that there is actually scientific proof that Ghost(in one form or another) exist.

ever heard of EVP? Or even, have you ever been in a really known haunted place?
Silver Incubus said:
Well I have often wondered if Angels from the bible aren't actually aliens, because of they way Aliens are said to interact with people and the stories about Angels.

Plus I have heard many stories about millitary people confessing that they have either seen aliens at top secret bases or once, an actual contact with a really sick alien.

Its all pretty interesting, and some countries are much more open about the subject. Apparently there is a government built landing pad for alien craft somewhere in Canada. Some member or ex member of parliament said something about this last year.

Grey's seem to be the most popular of all that i've ever heard of. But I have heard of ones that are tall and ones that are short. Plus stories about ones called Nordic/Pleadians, which are like the Aryan race, tall, blond with noses that connect to their forehead.

What I can never understand is the alien abductions. How can so many people from all over the world be suffering from these nightmares and have no real relevence baffles me the most.

My eternal skeptic just cannot accept most of these claims or conspiracies. The abduciton stories I am sure have been explained away by psychologists; and remember, once a social phenomenom like that goes public, it sort of becomes a weird epidemic that every sicko will relate to. After the movie Close Encounters with the 3rd Kind, like thousands and thousands of people were claiming they were abducted by aliens just like in the movie.

Also, it is so easy to fake crop circles and alien UFO's; I sense persons with a sense of humor, who have a similar sense of humor as myself, are laughing at those gullible persons who believe in this nonsense.
I think if alien have space travel they wouldn't go at the speed of light. People you are thinking to 3D and based off of what we know now in terms of science.

I'm pretty sure they would skip through space/time if anything. I mean they would be much much more intelligent then we could ever grasp if that was the case.
Silver Incubus said:
Are you trying to say Ghost aren't real?

I can understand aliens, but Ghosts?, you obviously have never researched Ghost enough to know that there is actually scientific proof that Ghost(in one form or another) exist.

ever heard of EVP? Or even, have you ever been in a really known haunted place?

Yes, see my last post. Perhaps what one is seeing, is tears, or flaws in time and space. I referenced this earlier, but one of the big theoretical physics ideas being currently proposed, suggests there are 10 dimensions, not 3; and this actually explains alot of the things physics still cannot explain. Thus, perhaps another dimension suddenly ripples or tears, explaining these ghosts.

Or, as I am more prone to believe: these are wacky people with a desperate need for attention and psychiatric help who claim they've seen ghosts and aliens.
speed said:
After the movie Close Encounters with the 3rd Kind, like thousands and thousands of people were claiming they were abducted by aliens just like in the movie.

Well just playing devil advocate here, but it could be because once they saw that, they realized that they weren't the only ones experiencing such phenomenon?
Silver Incubus said:
I think if alien have space travel they wouldn't go at the speed of light. People you are thinking to 3D and based off of what we know now in terms of science.

I'm pretty sure they would skip through space/time if anything. I mean they would be much much more intelligent then we could ever grasp if that was the case.

I thought even if they were going the speed of light, it would take thousands of years to go from one galaxy to another.
speed said:
Yes, see my last post. Perhaps what one is seeing, is tears, or flaws in time and space. I referenced this earlier, but one of the big theoretical physics ideas being currently proposed, suggests there are 10 dimensions, not 3; and this actually explains alot of the things physics still cannot explain. Thus, perhaps another dimension suddenly ripples or tears, explaining these ghosts.

Or, as I am more prone to believe: these are wacky people with a desperate need for attention and psychiatric help who claim they've seen ghosts and aliens.

Don't be so dismissive! I'd agree that the willingness to explain ineffable things through ghosts or aliens is perhaps over-bearing, but don't totally disregard everything as poppy-cock.

sorry for using the words "poppy-cock".
Silver Incubus said:
Well just playing devil advocate here, but it could be because once they saw that, they realized that they weren't the only ones experiencing such phenomenon?

I think its pretty doubtful considering human behavior.
Final_Product said:
Don't be so dismissive! I'd agree that the willingness to explain ineffable things through ghosts or aliens is perhaps over-bearing, but don't totally disregard everything as poppy-cock.

sorry for using the words "poppy-cock".

I refer you to an earlier post in which I clearly stated I am a skeptic; I would add, that I am highly pessimistic about the persons believing in and proposing these alien and supernatural theories.

But, hey, who knows, these wackos could be right: at the very least, it provides for good movie and television entertainment.
speed said:
I refer you to an earlier post in which I clearly stated I am a skeptic; I would add, that I am highly pessimistic about the persons believing in and proposing these alien and supernatural theories.

But, hey, who knows, these wackos could be right: at the very least, it provides for good movie and television entertainment.

If you would buy that book I have been whoring out for months, you'd find some interesting material regarding the psychology behind alien abductions.
speed said:
I think its pretty doubtful considering human behavior.

Well I do find that skeptics tend to not want to accept certain grains of evidence so badly that they will go out of their way grabbing ridiculous scientific theories and other such things just to prove the other side is wrong.
And no I'm not refering to anyone in specific.

I mean sure some people make things up. But I'm talking about those who have such things as odd markings, and even possibly Inplants that are otherwise unexplainable. That is what baffles me. And that is hard physical evidence of something happening. Who knows, maybe the govenment abducts people and experiments on them.

One interesting fact that I heard about 'abductees' is that they tend to be Redhaired light skinned people or indigenous people more.
Final_Product said:
If you would buy that book I have been whoring out for months, you'd find some interesting material regarding the psychology behind alien abductions.

Yeah, the library didnt have it, and I was actually going to order it but forgot. So what did the book say?

I suppose, if the aliens were studying us like scientists would, such abductions would be logical. However, wouldnt they have all the info they needed by now, and wouldnt they either move on, or show themselves?

Actually, of all the theories I actually like Arthur C. Clarke's hypothesis, that we are part of a very advanced civilizations experiment, and at a certain stage of evolution--with machines, we will hit a higher state of being. Its very interesing.
You are probably going to fail to convince speed.

He'd rather slaughter endless animals for his meat-eating pleasure, lift some weights, and sit contented in his cynicism.

Silver Incubus said:
Well I do find that skeptics tend to not want to accept certain grains of evidence so badly that they will go out of their way grabbing ridiculous scientific theories and other such things just to prove the other side is wrong.
And no I'm not refering to anyone in specific.

I mean sure some people make things up. But I'm talking about those who have such things as odd markings, and even possibly Inplants that are otherwise unexplainable. That is what baffles me. And that is hard physical evidence of something happening. Who knows, maybe the govenment abducts people and experiments on them.

One interesting fact that I heard about 'abductees' is that they tend to be Redhaired light skinned people or indigenous people more.

Oh god, I am red haired and light skinned. Seriously.

yeah, alot of skeptics are as bad as believers. I'm just using common sense and logic here. I think it would be fascinating if there were aliens that visited earth.
Final_Product said:
You are probably going to fail to convince speed.

He'd rather slaughter endless animals for his meat-eating pleasure, lift some weights, and sit contented in his cynicism.


And read some Nabokov while laughing.

Another note: Has anyone seen the Twilight Zone where the aliens make peaceful contact with man, and start an exchange program (the exchange program is essentially the aliens taking the humans back to their planet to eat, like cattle)? Classic stuff. Well, if I was an alien, thats what I'd do. I'd find out if these lesser life forms were tasty.
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