Alive 2 Questions


New Metal Member
Jun 29, 2005
Iv'e been viewing the DVD for Alive 2 since I got it last year and I have some questions.

1) Where is Danny during A.I.R?

2) Why is the start of Among The Living pre recorded?

3) Who's Tattoo'd on Frankies right arm?

Appart from that, the show was the bomb Can't wait for the next tour!
1. His guitar kept cutting out so he went to go fix the problem

2. Its an intro tape

3. I think its his brother
The tattoo on Frank's arm is a tribute to his younger brother Anthony who was murdered in 1997. I don't know the details surrounding it. The song "pieces" on Volume 8 is about him. It's one of the most emotional songs I've ever heard. Makes me cry each time.