Have you seen yourself on Alive 2 the DVD


You'll Be in Hell With ME
Nov 23, 2002
It took me a while but i finally saw my self on Alive 2 the DVD ....During Indians...THe Wardance Part......Fuck yeah!!!!!!

What about you?????????????????
I've seen myself and my friends that came with me a couple times throughout the dvd! I'm so glad i went to this show! We were right up front by Spitz.
yeap, i definitely made it on the DVD, Me n my buddies drove from MA to NJ to be at this show. We also snuck in like 1 1/2 hours before the VIP soundcheck people, not like we had those tix anyways.

Anyways, the glasses that Joey puts on during I'm the man are definitely mine. That and I'm in Efilnifikesin, I am the law, etc. Plus my metal claw during IATL is amazing.

Who else made it?
I know I'm somewhere in the pit for time and Indians. Can't see myself though.. Gee and I thought I would be the only 6-1, 260lb skinhead running around in dickies and a black hoodie... What was I thinkin...
I haven't been able to get it yet but I know I won't be able to see myself. I was pretty much behind the camera the whole time. *sigh* But hey, at least it was a kick ass time.
eighteeschick said:
I haven't been able to get it yet but I know I won't be able to see myself. I was pretty much behind the camera the whole time. *sigh* But hey, at least it was a kick ass time.
What were you helping film it or something?
I wish. I was on the floor but in the back near the steps leading to the other room. The camera was filming towards the front and on the sides but not close enough to where I was.
Yeah, Alex hauled ass up from Dc just to see this show. By the time he got there my man was pretty toasted. Then to top it off he chugs a half bottle of Makers Markand is still functioning. God bless his liver. Mr. Wu, how do you drink that shit? It's good going down but the next day you spend most of your time on the bowl makin a mark of your own.. Is your liver and insides like that of the 6 million dollar man.
I was finally able to buy the DVD and lo and behold me and my hubby are in there at the very end. Everyone always says I look miserable and I tell them no, that's just my face. I know that night was fucking awesome and I STILL had the same miserable looking face. I guess I need some plastic surgery to turn that frown upside down.
prime666 said:
Yeah, Alex hauled ass up from Dc just to see this show. By the time he got there my man was pretty toasted. Then to top it off he chugs a half bottle of Makers Markand is still functioning. God bless his liver. Mr. Wu, how do you drink that shit? It's good going down but the next day you spend most of your time on the bowl makin a mark of your own.. Is your liver and insides like that of the 6 million dollar man.

Fuck yeah !! My general rule of thumb when it comes to liquour is: If it's brown, I can take it down !

You can see me jumping around like a goof ball at the start of TIME !!!
I still have yet to see the DVD but my buddy says both me and him are in it. I was front/center the whole time.

To the dude with the glasses that Joey wore: I totally remember that!
I wasn't there obviously given the geographical problems however if sit really close to my TV I can see my reflection in the glass. So yes i have seen myself in Alive 2...sort of