All Art Thread!

Dec 6, 2006
Hey! So! i decided to start it and have no more time wasted hehe
Here the thread to post, comment and share everything we -forum users- come up with art related stuff.
There are already some of us exhibitioning in DeviantArt and/or other places and sometimes some of our work are AA related, or viking related, etc. Well, for those curious (like me) that want to see what moved others, heres the place to hang out.

So ill start with my stuff, all things you can see here
but for those that are just sliding down to see the pictures, here some of them.
(my stuff up to now arent that much viking related or etc. but it still can be interresting, cant it? )






wanna see more? go check my page on deviant art :)
Cool! Right on. Now where was that kid who started that big long thread about an AA inspred painting he was doing?? I'll have to search the forum.
OK, found it. Chainer started a thread called "It's done" cuz he was doing a picture inspired by 1000 years of oppression. He never did post the picture, but he did paste this:
Hnikar posted a cool self portrait and Thrymfal posted a "troll" on the toilet drawing, too, in the same thread. Anyhow, any more AA inspired art, you guys? Bates, any new art on your bracers, for example? Tats? I've got some Norse gods and goddess inspired stained glass panels that I did, and some Norse and Anglo-Saxon warriors that I made for a hnefnatafl board, but I can't upload pics to this forum for some reason... Ooooh, do blackmail pictures of my brother count as art? If not, I can convert them into very life-like pencil drawings...
Alrighty, let's see what I have. First off, I'm a freaking horrible photographer, so don't mind the weird angles and lighting. Secondly, I've been pretty busy just working on the workshop lately, decided to add blacksmithing to my repertoire. Forge is almost done, except for the bellows. :) So, hmm, let's see here.

Bates' drinking horn (Yes, I know it's already been shown. I'm rather fond of it :) )

One of my demi-gauntlets... the other one was an experiment in stamping that didn't turn out so well, still wearable, but I'm not happy with the design. Also don't have a thumbnail for it.
I do have some other stuff almost done, but I'm stuck doing the Easter thing today, so chances are good that I'm simply going to get smashed and forget. ;)
Oh, hey. Does anyone any good imagery for Freyr? I've got a couple of lengths of wood drying, want to make some miniature, umm, what the hell are they called... Norse totem poles, because my brain doesn't want to turn up the proper term. :) Oden and Thorr are pretty easy for me to imagine, but I'm drawing a blank on Freyr. :(
I dont know about Freyr cept the alien guy in StarGate lol and i dont think hes fiting :p

ive took pictures of my sketchs from my last painting about Hermod's ride to Hel. It doesnt reveale much yet what the real painting look like so its safe :p i shall post the painting soon.

im quite glad with those sketch since ive never draw something like them.. maybe youd be amazed to know that ive never actually draw or painted human characters, i mean striclty human, and whole. I usually skip the face, leaving it blank or masking it. Well it wouldnt have been fiting for the painting so i tried drawing the characters at first and thats what it gives :




I dont know about Freyr cept the alien guy in StarGate lol and i dont think hes fiting :p

ive took pictures of my sketchs from my last painting about Hermod's ride to Hel. It doesnt reveale much yet what the real painting look like so its safe :p i shall post the painting soon.

im quite glad with those sketch since ive never draw something like them.. maybe youd be amazed to know that ive never actually draw or painted human characters, i mean striclty human, and whole. I usually skip the face, leaving it blank or masking it. Well it wouldnt have been fiting for the painting so i tried drawing the characters at first and thats what it gives

Way to go, love those poses, can't wait to see the painting!


Woooh that is a dude I admire, all I need is a ship to go with that... puts on Fate of the Norns {again} as it reminds me of pounding through the arctic waters in the great aussie bight (near the Antartica if you're not sure).


Oh this thread is gonna be my home away from home.
These are pictures by a Russian artist Konstantin Vasiliev. I suppose he isn't well-known abroad but he deserves a certain fame. He died at the age of about forty, he was killed by a train, but noone knows what exactly happened there...






These are pictures by a Russian artist Konstantin Vasiliev. I suppose he isn't well-known abroad but he deserves a certain fame. He died at the age of about forty, he was killed by a train, but noone knows what exactly happened there...

My friend's uncle has some replicas of those pictures in his house along with a few others that may or may not be from the same artist. I'm not sure about that. But he's got a very memorable one of Odin riding Sleipnir and carrying Gungnir into the mist.

I'd post the photo if I could find it. But it's hard searching pages of Vasiliev's works when I can't read the cyrillic alphabet.

If I'm ever in his house again I'll try and snap a few quick shots.
It's none of the ones from those sites. Must be a different artist. I hope I get the opportunity to see it again then I'd be able to find out.

Is there anyone else you can think of that does similarly themed paintings?
My gods, this is a fantastic idea, I only wish that:
1. I had more artwork to post here
2. This would be filled so much it would eventually become a sticky.

I'll see what I have to post when I get home...