All Art Thread!

OK, Shealladh, here's my oldest's contribution to the thread.
Yeah, she's experimenting with her tablet right now. She actually seems to prefer using the mouse to draw, but I keep encouraging her to use the tablet too. After all, she did work for the money to buy the damn thing!
Yeah, she's experimenting with her tablet right now. She actually seems to prefer using the mouse to draw, but I keep encouraging her to use the tablet too. After all, she did work for the money to buy the damn thing!

Which somftware does she use with the tablet?

Curious, because as part of the Uni course I'm aiming at we are supposed to learn these tablets and use it with photshop. That said, if she was using photoshop too, then I could pass on some "brush" addons to help?
Adobe Photoshop Elements came with the tablet, so that's what she's been using (she says). I'm sure she'd be thrilled to have some addons!
For whoever was asking about the crazy anti smudge thing, there is a cheap alternative that works just as good. I have been using just normal hairspray on all sorts of drawings pastels, charcoals and the like for some years. I have some stuff to post up thats on elfwood at the minute shall do that later.
^ Yeah, that's a great drawing! What's the name of that spray? I used to have the same problem, but now it's my kid that's got the same thing happening. I wouldn't mind picking some up for her. She uses all sorts of different medium, but she's very good with just plain old pencil. On her website are pics she drew when she was younger (she's only eleven now...) using the computer mouse (dunno why, since she's got a tablet and all, bought it with her own money!). The site was really a response to her and her friends not being allowed to bring trading cards to school (Pokemon, Digimon and so on are not allowed in the schools in this district), so she made up her own "Biomon" cards, handed them out and started this website a couple of years ago. She still works on it once in a while, just to keep her sister happy. Anyhow, here's a link to her "random biomon pics" :
She loves it when people post art or leave messages in her shoutbox, btw. ;-)

Wow Tyra your daughter is a nice artist did she learn from you??? or did her artistic abilities develop on their own??? i too was very big on art when i was her age... im ashamed to say that i havent drawn anything in the past few years other than scripture in Norse runes
Her dad is very artistic, and I am OK, too. I guess she gets it from both of us, and then we just took it an ran with it and tried to incourage her to develop the talents she has. She started drawing on the computer when she was about two... What amazes me is that she's so used to drawing with the mouse since then, that she prefers it over the tablet.
wow.... thats awesome... i've always wanted to get into the paintings but i dont have the proper tools nor the experience with painting to do anything good.... and she is damn good for only being 11.... i may be wrong but i see her maybe one day rivaling Brom in artistic talent
If she sticks with it - the school system has a way of telling kids their art is "wrong" because they choose to use a certain style or whatever that doesn't match with what the teacher likes. That's why we try to make sure she gets other peoples' input besides from ours and theirs. So far, so good. Now, if I could only teach her friends not to give personal information out in the shoutbox on her website...
If she sticks with it - the school system has a way of telling kids their art is "wrong" because they choose to use a certain style or whatever that doesn't match with what the teacher likes. That's why we try to make sure she gets other peoples' input besides from ours and theirs. So far, so good. Now, if I could only teach her friends not to give personal information out in the shoutbox on her website...
That happent to me back in first grade.. When I was like 7. We went through the alphabet.. one letter a day, everyone made drawings of a word the teacher came up with that started with that letter. Then when she had collected in all the drawings, she would hang them up in the classroom. We came to the letter B(oh.. thats a long way) and the teacher decided that everyone had to make a painting or drawing of a "bryllup"(wedding) so everyone made a stickman and a sticklady holding hands, she wearing white and he wearing a tuxedo. I made two badgers, one female one male, who were looking at eachother. The teacher refused to put it up with the other drawings, because it was supposed to be a human wedding, not a badger wedding :/ So strike down stupid ignorant teachers who fail to see fantasy come to life through the drawings of children.
WHAT??? Ignorant. Yes, sure strike down any child who has the audacity to be creative. I think I would have liked the badgers better myself, because it shows thinking outside the box. Why badgers?
I dont know, what I do when I paint and draw things(still do that today) is that I just make some lines, then I look at it, and if I see somthing in them, like a creature, or a tree. I draw that.
Mmm. I see. That makes sense. Kind of like how you do rock art by making use of the already existing divets and cracks in the rock.
I always used to start with the eyes. That would give me the soul of the person or animal, but it entails knowing which animal you're drawing before you start. Hence my question about the badgers. I still like the badgers better. I know guy that got failed in art because you were supposed to complete a project for each unit, and in sculpture, he did what you did - he sculpted the shape of a head, and then he looked at each feature to see what it resembled. When he was done, he'd created a very, very life-like bust of Old Adolf. His teacher did not approve of the subject and so she failed him, completely disregarding the merit of the piece.