All hail OVER fucking KILL!


Heavy Metal Maniac
Sep 29, 2002
Union, NJ, USA
Last night I checked out Overkill for the first time ever at the Birch Hill in Old Bridge, New Jersey. I must say it was possibly my greatest concert experience yet. First off it was a historic event because the Birch Hill is closing down at the end of October so that means this will be Overkill's very last time playing this popular venue from their home state of NJ.

Quite a few boring support bands palyed before Overkill. Didn't get too into many of them although Incaged were pretty good. I was excited about Overkill and could not wait for their performance. 10:30 finally hit and the lights went out, the band hit the stage and the opening to "Devil By The Tail" started. As soon as it kicked in I felt like I was hit in the face by a truck. It was such a rush and I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

They played a little over an hour and a half but under 2 hours. I was glad I caught this show because it was my first and my last time at the Birch Hill since they are knocking it down and what a better band to see then Overkill. I look foward to seeing Overkill again in the future many times and if you get teh chance to see them please do so you will not regret it. They are still kicking ass after all these years and never sold out. It was abosolutely amazing.

Set list:
Devil By The Tail
Hello From The Gutter
Bastard Nation
Supersonic Hate
Evil Never Dies
Long Time Dying
Rotten To The Core

New Machine