All I Have To Say Is.....


Feb 11, 2002
New York
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thank you to whoever dropped out giving Dreamscape a second chance to accept a slot in this year's lineup. Unless it was Labyrinth which would make me sick to my stomach. Let me clarify that in no way am I happy that Glenn had to deal with the bullshit of a band dropping out last minute before the lineup was announced, but god damn am I happy about this!!!!

I know that if i ever find out who dropped out, i will probably be dissapointed anyway, but it would have to be someone i really, really liked, and there are not too many bands that I can say i rather see than Dreamscape!!!! Can't wait for September!!!
Having Labyrinth at PP would totally rock...........but I dont know if that will ever happen. Right now they are supposely doing a tour with no true end date. :P
nightwish58 said:
thank you to whoever dropped out giving Dreamscape a second chance to accept a slot in this year's lineup. Unless it was Labyrinth which would make me sick to my stomach. Let me clarify that in no way am I happy that Glenn had to deal with the bullshit of a band dropping out last minute before the lineup was announced, but god damn am I happy about this!!!!

I know that if i ever find out who dropped out, i will probably be dissapointed anyway, but it would have to be someone i really, really liked, and there are not too many bands that I can say i rather see than Dreamscape!!!! Can't wait for September!!!

WEow Labyrinth!! That would have been cool!! But I agree, this new Dreamscape is excellent!! Can't wait to check them out!!
I like the new Dreamscape CD pretty well. I am looking forward to seeing them. "Very" isn't half bad either, but it's a bit spotty to me I think the new lineup does the band well.

An excellent pick! They were silent for quite sometime after "Very" and I pretty much forgot about them. So glad to hear they are still together with a great new CD to boot. Aside from Adagio, they were my biggest suprise on the PPV lineup. I "very" much like their first CD also, "Trance-Like-State." Very dark and atmospheric prog.
I picked up the new Labyrinth...and it immediatly went into my Ebay Pile...bored me to death....Dreamscape... that disc kicks ass!!

I for one am very happy Dreamscape is coming....