all real and some analog goodness on this one

gabriel g.

Sep 7, 2006

its the first song in the player : once again (NEW SONG)

I am very proud of this one guys.
Drums are all real (only blended in a trigger on the bassdrum with some LSD samples)
Snare is real at it gets no samples!
Same goes for toms no samples!

drums went into my hardware SSL comp

guitars where my ibanez sz with an emg 85->ibanez t9 modded 808->6505 red channel->mesa os->single sm57->audient preamp

bass was some middle class ibanez with active pickups ->radial di->metric halo preamp

vocals were tracked with my trusty nt2a->audient preamp
same goes for gangshouts (no reverb on them its just our big ass live room)

I mastered this one with my studio Partner.
He was a great help!!!!

Let me say this: It was a all analog mastering including some of the finest stuff out there :)
ozone 4 was only in it for the 0.4 dB headroom ;)

this project is done but I am realy interested in your opinions

The mids seems to be a bit exaggerated and i would like it to have a bit more lowend. And the mix have a bit to much 1.5-2.5khz for my taste, lacks a bit of warmth if you kniow what i mean. The drums sound good, really like the overheads, sound very alive and are nice and loud which i like :)
Im not to fond of the kick, got some ugly boost which make the klick in the kick sound a bit to prominent.
I really like the approach to the drums, with the drums being real and all, but with just some sample enhancement on the snare it could really be pooping out a bit more (just blend like 20-30%)

I see that it is all done, but with a few tweaks it could be awesome, but the mix overall got great vibe and that is awesome. Good work.
The mids seems to be a bit exaggerated and i would like it to have a bit more lowend. And the mix have a bit to much 1.5-2.5khz for my taste, lacks a bit of warmth if you kniow what i mean. The drums sound good, really like the overheads, sound very alive and are nice and loud which i like :)
Im not to fond of the kick, got some ugly boost which make the klick in the kick sound a bit to prominent.
I really like the approach to the drums, with the drums being real and all, but with just some sample enhancement on the snare it could really be pooping out a bit more (just blend like 20-30%)

I see that it is all done, but with a few tweaks it could be awesome, but the mix overall got great vibe and that is awesome. Good work.

thank you very much. Compared the lowend to other comercial releases and it sounded fine to me, same on headphones.
I´ll keep the sample thing in mind.
I tracked 3 tracks with the band, as preview tracks for the full length they do in march (for labels and stuff)
The mids seems to be a bit exaggerated and i would like it to have a bit more lowend. And the mix have a bit to much 1.5-2.5khz for my taste, lacks a bit of warmth if you kniow what i mean. The drums sound good, really like the overheads, sound very alive and are nice and loud which i like :)
Im not to fond of the kick, got some ugly boost which make the klick in the kick sound a bit to prominent.
I really like the approach to the drums, with the drums being real and all, but with just some sample enhancement on the snare it could really be pooping out a bit more (just blend like 20-30%)

I see that it is all done, but with a few tweaks it could be awesome, but the mix overall got great vibe and that is awesome. Good work.

I agree on that as if you read my mind. ;)