All the RC shirts are gone forever...

Going to dinner with a brand new unwashed fresh out of the mail RC shirt = more metal than me.
Doomcifer got more than just a shirt though. He got an RC sponsored CD-R set of the latest Manilla Road and Brocas Helm releases. Throw on the shirt, crack open a beer, and crank the Helm. :kickass: (Although I have a feeling he will LOVE that MR is trippy cult metal).

@ lurch - does it fit ok then? The Jewish Westchester leaves are in the mail. :loco:
I'm thinking about having some RC Shirts printed, if there's enough interest. Shirts will be sold at cost+ a few kopecks for shipping. Any design ideas? Let's hear em'!
I'd buy one. The front can have the RC logo in some shape or form. The back can read "Do You Wipe Your Arse Standing Up or Sitting Down?" with the UM url beneath it :lol: :lol:
i already have the original. Ali printed them on nuclear surviving shirt stock as it's still in once piece.

:lol: @ Cara
The original is 9 years old and I don't have one, so be off with you! :dopey:

It was Ali's intent and dying wish to have a whole line of RC shirts, so let's honor the memory of this man by coming up with a bitchin design heh. There's a place in downtown ran by reformed gangbangers that can print em' out fairly cheap. :Smokedev:
You want mine? How fat are you? Mine is an American size L (I think) and it fits me like a parachute. Got any CDs you wanna trade?

I wear XL, too fat. 6ft 211, need more EC Stack. Thanks for the trade offer though. :kickass:

All I need from one of you computer savvy lads is to create a killer design, and we can get the ball rolling on this one. Whoever can integrate the Hellenic RC Logo in to a fashionable design that would help attract da ladies, will get a free tee, shipping included. Just think of all the burrow beef that is to be had.