All the RC shirts are gone forever...

we're actually looking at a 10 year anniversary in 2013, maybe the shirts should wait a bit and reflect that
I could use a replacement. Mine has faded so much it's kinda purple/gray now and the print is nearly gone.
i do this kind of work for a living, so i would be happy to do a design

i'll need ideas, though
how bout that for a design

it should just be a plain old "GTFooRC" with little cartoon faces of the regulars who have been posting for 6 or 7 years+ (plus other historic characters... such as lurch, lizard, JayKeeley, etc)

Ellestin, get to work

edit: for the record, I would buy one. I will pay no more than $25
Speaking of lizard if someone made a Blut Und Ehre shirt I would wear that all the damm time.

White Man in a Tree :kickass:

i'm going to start doing an actual design

if it said "TEN YEARS OF ______", what should it say? ten years of what? what have we been doing here for ten years guys
also, i need the old logo with the raven if anyone's got it lying around