STRATOVARIUS - "Tolkki's Main Motivation Was Greed"
"In short it's not so much a story of simmering discontent leading to a wise and respectable decision. It's definitely not a story of naivité. It's the story of Faust, the story of madness, of a band's natural and slow decline, but in the end something mundane: the story of a supreme narcissist going broke and betraying friends of 12 years who helped save him a few years earlier.
Hopefully this explains the situation a little bit. Sorry if it is long on business crap, and short on humor or music. This was a terrible, disappointing blow to us.
We would like to thank our fans who make it all worth it, and despite it all, we would like to thank Timo for the past, the nice music and the good moments.
The rest of us want to make clear that we are doing great and that we will continue making music together, because we care about each other and we care about our fans. We have grand plans indeed, and we will have some very interesting news in the months ahead!
Timo Kotipelto (vocals), Jens Johansson (keyboards, piano), Lauri Porra (bass), Jörg Michael (drums) - the remaining members of Stratovarius"
Former STRATOVARIUS Guitarist Timo Tolkki Responds To Former Band's Claims
"Well I've never been called a Faust before so at least that's a new one. I don't consider that I have betrayed anyone, but that I have stayed true to myself and my beliefs. Also from the very beginning I shared all the income from every source equally between all the band members. That doesn't sound like greed to me. Bitter it does sound.
It is not a story of Faust, it is a story of a rock band and this statement verifies all those things I am writing in my statement. There is hate. There is tension. All those things were and are still there.
The statement ends 'the remaining members of Stratovarius.' Although I own the name and all the rights to that, I have no problem if the guys want to continue the band without me. I am very happy with RR getting interesting fresh musicians and doing loads of creative stuff in my life. Too bad it had to end this way."