All the RC shirts are gone forever...

can someone find the original "livin in the fuckin past" quote?

i'm pretty sure it was indeed spelled without the g but if i'm going to change it i'm going to do it right
I retold the tale this morning, and I'm 99% positive it was in the Iron Maiden Hoedown.

Is this it? Holy fuck dude this post is SO MUCH BETTER than my memory even told me:

:lol: :kickass:

EDIT: Also I'm really glad that you posted like 20,000 more times after that.
hahaha memoriieeees! random thoughts: talking shit is pretty fun. how could a thread like that not cause fights?! i was really into Kovenant in 2003. quitting rc completely was obviously an empty promise, but i didnt post all that much for a few years. and cmon, there were hella threads about washed up bands at that time, though i do listen to old metallica, black sabbath, slayer etc. again hahaha! i like satyricon now.

EDITx2: <-- first post in the thread hahaha I <3 you neal.
hahaha first post, flawless dick move!
so it WAS with the g

okay then

the only thing i'm going to change is i'm going to replace the 236 with gtfoorc
here is the artwork you'll want to send to the printers':

the colors are white and PMS 7441 C on a black shirt

the print is not to scale in the file so you'll need to instruct them about that. a width of about 22 cm/8.7" is a good size imo, i don't really care but please don't make it too big or it will look gaudy

EDIT: this marks the first and likely only time i've produced a document in wacky american "letter" size
hey guys, you know you want a desktop that looks swanky like this:


so here's your anniversary wallpaper
1920 x 1080 (16:9)
1680 x 1050 (16:10)

well, peace out