All things come to an end . . .

Nate The Great said:
Where in Colorado do you live? I will be living on the Kansas/Colorado boarder, so I'm very familiar with all parts of Colorado. Denver and Colo. Springs will be the two closest cities to me.

I live about 4-5 hours from Denver off to the southwest. I've gone to Lamar a couple times which is out in Eastern Colorado, near Kansas. But yeah, if I ever want to go to a show it'll be up in Colorado Springs or Denver so maybe we can meet up sometime. :grin: I go to Pueblo pretty often too and since Springs isn't far from there, I'll visit there too. They have an independent record store there, Mosh Pit Music, that has some really good stuff. I found original copies of Negura's Zirnindu-Sa and Necrophagist's Onset of Putrefaction among other things there.
Nah, I live way down at the bottom of the state. Know where Walsenburg is? South of Springs and Pueblo. Head west from there and into the mountains and towards the Rio Grande river. If you look on a map, you'll see a massive green area, I live there. :grin: Colo. Springs, in driving distance, would probably make a good half-way type meeting point if we ever decided to go to a show.