"All things come to pass"


May 2, 2001
.. from grey to black
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So anyway, a while back I had this nagging feeling in the back of my mind that I had something extremely profound on the tip of my tongue, but I just couldn't spit it out. I had this feeling for a very long time, maybe even years.

Then one day it occured to me that the thing on my mind was this:
"All things come to pass"

This didn't seem particularly profound or illuminating to me at first, but after thinking about it off and on for a few days it occured to me that it is.

The profoundness of it stems from its applicability to every situation in life and how it puts things in a very surreal and postive perspective (well, it does for me anyway).

For example, if something shitty is going on or if you just feel like crap that day or whatever, there is comfort in knowing that this discomfort is finite, it will come to pass. If something is really cool then it adds to the coolness of it by helping me appreciate it even more since I tell myself that this cool thing is fleeting and should be appreciated/enjoyed while it lasts. It also removes the disappointment felt when something good does pass because you were expecting it to and you were prepared for it.

The universe (and everything in it) is in a constant state of flux, this is not deep or anything, it's just common sense, it's just the way things are. Everything is fleeting, even us, what we think/feel, even our lives. I feel that the inherent impermanance of everything is what gives it its value and helps us to appreciate it because we know that someday it will be gone forever.

In a deeper and more personal sense this helps me to love and value my own life as well. I cherish my own mortality and welcome my own death because I know that without death life would cease to have the meaning to me that it has (therefore, fuck religion and its assertion of immortality). I think this is the real reason why I have such an attraction to "darkness", it serves to contrast the brightness and make it seem even brighter.

All things come to pass. It applies to absolutely everything, even this post, so in closing I'd like to point out that I'm sure there are people here who will interpret this babble exactly as I had intended it, and I find that quite cool.

in a perpetual state of passing,

i don't wanna stroke your ego here, or anything else for that matter:lol: but after reading that i will pay extra attention to your posts. thats exactly the kind of thing i need to hear from time to time, and the way some people would have put it i would have thought to myself, "yeah fuck you you fuckin loser, whatever" but that was cool man, very well put. thanks.:D
We are but a spec in the worlds existance. We put so much importance on things that don't really matter - we think we shape our world by our actions, yet never realize what Satori said. Sit back and take a reality check - we're not here to change the world - we're just a tiny piece of a puzzle of we'll never see completed. So enjoy your short stay here on this planet we call earth. We will pass - and so will everything else.

Thanks Satori. You were my reality check today:)
Not to argue semantics here (fuck luke, that's exactly what you're going to do:lol: ) but doesn't "all things come to pass" mean that all things happen?
For example, if something shitty is going on or if you just feel like crap that day or whatever, there is comfort in knowing that this discomfort is finite, it will come to pass.

I thought so too not long ago but after 20 years of crap the finite part is taking too long and the positive outlook of things gives me little hope. I wonder if there is a situation when you forget positivism so damn much you end up in a mental institution because you can even remember what was it that makes positive thinking work anymore. It certainly is will to me, and i feel my will is gone in some moments, but those moments have come to be more frecuent

Damn it satori you got me thinking, shurely you will pay for this!
Originally posted by slingblade
i don't wanna stroke your ego here, or anything else for that matter:lol: but after reading that i will pay extra attention to your posts. thats exactly the kind of thing i need to hear from time to time, and the way some people would have put it i would have thought to myself, "yeah fuck you you fuckin loser, whatever" but that was cool man, very well put. thanks.:D

That was very nice of you to say, and this is exactly why I took the time to write it, thank you. :)
