AllWithinMyMonster? Pitiful?


Aug 13, 2003
Pitiful? I'd have to say that your thread about the people on this board is simply that. How can you say those things? I didn't even read any of the responses, I only read your post and I think you owe people an apology. That, or you should never come back here again. How can you call people pitiful for having fun and speaking their minds in this community and you go ahead and say mean things about them? (hypocrisy?) Anyway, I'm not going to make this a long thread 'cause I don't like reading them myself.
Think about what you wrote. Very unkind. :Smug:
Well... he never came back so don't think he will ever apologize. And for the people here... well... if we ( newbies ) don't think like them we can get flamed pretty badly:p You know, sometimes you need to see the two sides of the medal. It's not that I don't like the people on this board, it's just that sometimes I'm reading some of the posts and some persons tend to act with an " I'm holier than you " attitude. But there are also very nice persons!
Wooups... I thought you were talking about the olllllder post he made.. well now I just read his post and he's indeed a fucking asshole. My mistake! Sorry!
Unfortunately, this is the internet, so he thinks that he can go around and bash everyone on it without fear of retaliation while he sits on his fat ass in his mother's basement, thinking that by being able to insult people like this he somehow feels that his pathetic existence is worthwhile. I would pity him, but that would be giving him more than what he derserves.
LOL this is so fucking funny. People get so pissy when insulted. Won't go very far in life thinking like that. If somebody called me ugly and a pathetic failure and laughed, I'd laugh too. After we'd share that laugh together I'd punch him and then we'd become friends.
I don't care about him, he's just a cockless twerp who's all pissed because his mommy took away his skateboard because he said something bad about jesus in front of her.
I am not whining or being pissy. I am expressing that what I think he said was really mean. I am responding to his post because I don't think anyone should be spoken to that way whether they care or not.
Well by insulting others he only shows that he needs to put people below him to actually feel intelligent because obviously he is not... conclusion: we shouldn't care about him.
Kicking someone's ass is always fun, especially when they thought they were sooo secured behind their computers bitching people. Usually, I always say that we are equal, but it is obvious that Monster is inferior to all of you.