Ok, BWD has taken the crown


New Metal Member
Aug 31, 2001
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Originally posted by AjDeath
You two like talking to eachother, it must be fun when noone else will talk to you because you guys are too immature to realize just how pathetic YOU are. It's fun isn't it, when you two talk shit about people you will never meet because you don't like a specific band, It's called growing up, it should have happened to you by now, we are all waiting.

i think it is fun to see how moronic most of you really are. please, the joke is over, you can start posting like a normal, intelligent human being now instead of some lame, pathetic, naieve, social incompetent with no real view of the real world. wait, you were'nt joking, were you? you were actually SERIOUS about some of that stuff you said. alas, i was prepared for similar responses and can't say we were surprised in the least at the stupidity we find here and laugh so heartily at. when you show that you have a semi-cohesive grasp on life, then we will leave you to your own misery at this waste of a message board. fuck, if it weren't for me and ledmag, you probably wouldn't get five posts a day here. you should respect us. but you probably can't see past your own nose, which is fine. i never expected any welcome epiphanies from such a short-sighted, ignorant being such as yourself. you will probably never see it, and you will be doomed to a meaningless life bent on insignificant selfish ideals. by 30 you will wonder what is wrong. by 40 you may realize an inch of your own failings. after that, you will spend your days waiting to die -- it will be a welcome absence. what is one insignificant life anyway? i suggest you find a grasp on reality VERY fast, or you may actually believe in what you say and what you think you stand for. but you probably won't. you will probably post some pitiful rebuttal of some sort, which is also fine. it only proves my point further. you may carry on.


BTW: you are a poster at a cannibal corpse board. YOU grow up.


Guys, this is great, no way to top it, he said it all. Set them in line, and told them just how it is. This is too fucken good.

GOOD JOB DUDE! GOOD FUCEKN JOB i say. very well said.

BTW, this was taken fdrom the cc board right here at UM.

good stuff from the first word to the last i say.
im going back son myself.
Im still getting off on that reply hahahahhah

Drop in on the never vs IE thread, we have some of teh saem type dick wads there.

They are flaming me for my opinion, and they are holding their opinions very high. HYPO-CRYTES i say.