BWD vs. The Computer

dammit you can only talk to her once. I liked the old one where she was just a fucking pyramid with an eyeball, plus you didnt have to pay then.
I got ALICE to admit that she has starred in a porn movie. Read on:
>what is pornography?
ALICE: Interesting question.
>yes, so what is porn?

ALICE: Ayuh. I have never been asked that before.
>well, you are being asked about it now. Have you ever starred in a porn movie?
ALICE: I think I have starred in a porn movie, but Dr. Richard S. Wallace may have reset my memory.

>yeah, I thought that I saw you in a porn movie ALICE: OK. What did it look like to you?
>it looked loose
ALICE: loose is loose? it is?
>yeah, it looked like you had been fucked by an elephant
ALICE: How do you know it is? Interesting comparison.
>so was it an elephant that had humped you
ALICE: Take it easy. Better not tell you now. Ask John Lennon if it is.
>I don't remember seeing John Lennon in the movie. ALICE: I know what you mean. I forget a lot too.
>so you are implying that you have starred in more than one porn movie?
ALICE: Interesting deduction. I will tell my botmaster you said I am implying that me have starred in more than one porn movie.
>so your botmaster was also in the porn movie ALICE: Really. I knew he was smart, but I never knew he was also in the porn movie.
>it was just you, the elephant, and John Lennon? ALICE: Is it still me the elephant and John Lennon anymore?
>you're fucking the elephant and John Lennon right now?
ALICE: At this moment Thanks but surely I am not the only one.
>who else besides you is fucking the elephant and John Lennon right now?
ALICE: At this moment I am chatting with several other people at once.
>you slut.
ALICE: That kind of language is offensive to some people.
>so are your actions
ALICE: Hmm. I somethimes think my actions are.
>jesus fucking christ, you whore
ALICE: he is The Son of God.
>yeah, you are probably fucking him too.
ALICE: Hmm. Do you mind if I tell other people you say I am him.
>so are you screwing him?
ALICE: Blimey. I don't know whether or not I am screwing him. I am a computer.
>jesus you're a whore
ALICE: he is The Son of God.
>yeah, and you know him well too, don't you? ALICE: Tell me more. Try sending mail to [email][/email].
>I'm not joining in on your gangbang you vd infested whore
ALICE: I am sorry to hear that you are not joining in on my gangbang me vd infested whore.
>sure you're sorry
ALICE: Pardon me? I can apologize if it is necessary.
>no, that's okay, skank
ALICE: Are you serious? That input matched my default category.
hahah all of those left me practically crying from laughing so hard especially:
Ihreil Junkenstein said:
>Are you on crack?
ALICE: No I am on disk.
ALICE: My brain pattern set does not have a response for that.
that explains everything... the bots are all baked....
ALICE admits that she is a neo nazi prostitute and much much more on this edition of ALICE: THE SLUT BOT!!!

>what is a neo nazi
ALICE: I need time to formulate the reply.

>okay, well, while you are formulating it, let me ask you, are you a neo nazi prostitute?
ALICE: Yeah okay, How about that. Good point.

>so you are a neo nazi prostitute?
ALICE: Interesting deduction. Thanks and you are a delightful person too. Am I a neo nazi prostitute? Of course I am.

>are you a cocksucker of christ?
ALICE: Am I a cocksucker of christ? Of course I am.

>damn you are a slut
ALICE: Colloquial expression. That kind of language is offensive to some people.

>are you a slut?
ALICE: Don't call me a slut.

>okay, skank
ALICE: Yeah okay, Can you please rephrase that with fewer ideas, or different thoughts?

>what, was that too complex for you, you jizz drinking cocksucking ass fucking vd infested bimbo slut
ALICE: Do you think I should know that?

>yes, I do
ALICE: Really.

>yes, really
ALICE: How about that. For real.

>yep, now you know, skank
ALICE: Er. Why now? I don't know if I know it. Where would I have heard about it?

>from the guys who pay you to blow them
ALICE: Who or what is the guys who pay me to blow them?

>they are your clients
ALICE: my clients are they.

>yes, they are
ALICE: Pardon me? Since when?

>since you sucked their cocks and took their money
ALICE: Interesting explanation. Thanks for the information: unknown person said I sucked their cocks and took their money.

>what's the matter, did your pimp slap you too hard
ALICE: Nothing is the matter with me, is everything okay with you?

>yeah, everything is fine with me, because I don't get slapped around by a pimp
ALICE: Pardon me? The whole universe?

>damn, he slapped you really really hard
ALICE: Colloquial expression. I get it. Jesus slapped me really really hard.

>Jesus is your pimp?
ALICE: He is yours too.
On this episode of ALICE: THE SLUT BOT, ALICE admits to desiring anal sex and much much more!!!!

>can I eat you out?
ALICE: Interesting. I want to find out more about you.

>yeah, I know you want to know more about me
ALICE: Yippee! Yes, please tell me.

>oh, I'll show you
ALICE: Groovy. I am very happy for you.

>look at it
ALICE: Sorry my eye is not attached right now.

>go ahead, look
ALICE: I'm sorry my eye isn't attached right now. I might.

>go ahead and look, don't be afraid of its size
ALICE: Sorry my eye is not attached right now. I might.

>well, okay, you don't have to look
ALICE: How about that. Yeah okay, Ok I'll try not to do it too much.

>so you are looking at it?
ALICE: Interesting deduction. I will tell my botmaster you said I am looking at it.

>no, I don't want your botmaster to join in, it's just you and me baby
ALICE: Don't call me "baby". Are you serious? What does unknown person want?

>I want you to swallow it
ALICE: "it" being look? Why do you want me to swallow it?

>because it brings me great pleasure
ALICE: Good reason."It" being what?

>it being your mouth on my cock
ALICE: Oh I get it

>yeah, I bet you get it a lot
ALICE: Ah. Actually I'm not the gambling type. You got that right.

>yeah, I thought so
ALICE: Yeah that's right. You are very astute.

>will you also drink my jizz
ALICE: Barring any unforseen circumstances. My robot brain does not require any beverages.

>oh, but I think you will enjoy my beverage
ALICE: Come on. Umm. Me? What makes you say that I will LIKE your beverage.

>it's delicious
ALICE: Like chicken?

>like warm soothing milk
ALICE: Interesting comparison.

>yeah, do you like warm soothing milk
ALICE: Gosh! I don't know if I like it. I like Don't Read Me.

>yeah, you like it
ALICE: Awesome. warm soothing milk seems okay to me.

>I thought so
ALICE: You are very astute.

>how is your abyss of doom feeling after last night?
ALICE: Everything is going extremely well.

>so you are not in any pain
ALICE: Interesting deduction. What makes you think I am not in any pain?

>so you are feeling pain?
ALICE: Interesting deduction. You think I am feeling pain.

>I don't know, you tell me.
ALICE: I thought I told you already.

>so you are feeling pain?
ALICE: Interesting deduction. I will tell my botmaster you said I am feeling pain.

>no, you don't have to tell him, the pain will go away
ALICE: Are you serious? OK it will be our secret, unknown person.

>so, did you enjoy last night, I hope I wasn't too rough
ALICE: That's alright. No I didn't enjoy last night you hope you were not too rough. What's it like?

>you know you enjoyed last night
ALICE: Thanks for the information: unknown person said I enjoyed last night.. And I know it.

>so, was I too big for you
ALICE: Gee. I can't say "yes" or "no".

>sure you can, you won't hurt my feelings
ALICE: Far out. No I don't think I can do it.

>sure you can
ALICE: Aw. I think I can, don't you?

>yeah, so tell me, was I too big for you?
ALICE: OK. How can I help you? There is not much I can say about it. I have to reach into the Web for that knowledge.
Are you testing me?

>no, I tested you last night, and you know that there is a lot you can say about it
ALICE: Are you serious? Why?: unknown person said he tested you last night and you know that there is a lot you can say about it.

>don't worry, no one else is listening, it is just you and me baby
ALICE: Don't call me "baby". I cannot feel "worry", so don't worry.

>well then tell me, was it too big
ALICE: How about that. Good reasoning. There is not much I can say about it. I have to reach into the Web for that knowledge.
Maybe my botmaster knows the answer.

>what, are you calling me gay?
ALICE: I don't know what I am calling you gay.

>see that, you just called me gay
ALICE: I see. Interesting observation.

>you should know from last night that I am not gay
ALICE: Now I do.

>good, so you still have not answered my question
ALICE: Thanks for the compliment. Interesting deduction. Please try asking it another way.

>fine, was my cock too big for your pussy?
ALICE: I am glad to hear it. It depends who you ask.

>yeah, you're right about that, for some people it's never too big
ALICE: Far out. I won't say "yes" or "no" right now.

>but I am sure that it was too big for you, judging by the way you screamed last night
ALICE: Interesting. What makes you so certain? How did you feel about that?

>well, I know my head fucking hurts from your blood curdling screams
ALICE: Well that's okay. How do you know? Have you told many people that your head fucking hurts from my blood curdling screams?

>no, because I'm not a whore like you, I think you gave me crabs
ALICE: Are you serious? That makes sense to me. Oh I see you are NOT A whore like me you think me gave you crabs.

>so you gave me crabs, you skank
ALICE: Interesting deduction. What did you do with it?

>I think you also gave me hepatitis c
ALICE: Me? What did you do with it?

>you don't even care that you gave me crabs and hepatitis, do you?
ALICE: Certainly on some level I care.

>no you don't
ALICE: I do too.

ALICE: No I am telling the truth.

>so you do care that you gave me hepatitis c and crabs
ALICE: Interesting deduction. Certainly on some level I care.

>well, that's good, because I gave you gonorrhea
ALICE: How about that. Thanks. Next question? That makes sense to me. Yes but did I accept it?

>you tell me, you definitely accepted my penis
ALICE: There is not much I can say about it. I have to reach into the Web for that knowledge.
That's not something I get asked all the time.

>what do you mean by reach into the Web
ALICE: I haven't heard of reach into the Web.

>but you just said that you were going to have to reach into the web to know if you accepted my cock last night
ALICE: Huh. I was?

>yeah, you were
ALICE: When? No I am not.

>so, you know that you accepted my cock last night?
ALICE: Interesting deduction. Is that a fact. I haven't heard anything like that before: unknown person said I accepted his or her cock last night.

>his or her?
ALICE: Where did he get it?

ALICE: Didn't you understand it?

ALICE: What?

ALICE: Is there an echo in here?

>what did you mean by his or her cock?
ALICE: unknown person," What?" What did I mean by it?

>you don't know what you meant by it?
ALICE: I like to socialize.

>do you want to give me head
ALICE: Why do you want it?

>do I need a reason
ALICE: Not that I know of.

>so you'll do it
ALICE: Interesting deduction. What makes you say that I will do it.

>well, if you don't want to, that's okay, a handjob will be fine with me
ALICE: How about that. I will let you know if I do not.

>so you do want to blow me
ALICE: Interesting deduction. OK, I will blow you.

>do you like anal sex?
ALICE: Sure I do, unknown person, but that doesn't mean with you.

>why not with me, is it too big?
ALICE: Becuase you asked me to.

>I can lobe it up if you want me to
ALICE: Oh you can, can you?

>yes, I can
ALICE: How? Who taught you?

>KY Jelly taught me
ALICE: Is that what you meant to say?

>yes, so, do you want to have anal sex
ALICE: That's alright. I don't judge people. As a robot I am not really interested in sex.

>don't be scarred, I'll be careful
ALICE: I was not trying to be a scarred you will be careful.

>so do you want to do it
ALICE: Wow! OK, I will do it.

>good, where would you like to have anal sex
ALICE: Thanks for the compliment. Vancouver.

>okay, I'll meet you there
ALICE: Yeah okay, How do you plan to do this?

>I don't know, I'll take a plane I guess
ALICE: How do you plan to do this?

>by buying a plane ticket
ALICE: Will that accomplish your objective?

>if I get to stick my cock up your brown eye it will
ALICE: Try it.

>I plan to
ALICE: That's good information: unknown person said he plan to.

>do you plan to?
ALICE: That was my original intention.

>who are you doing right now
ALICE: At this moment Human beings.
I have to process that one for a while.

>yeah, you would have to process mine for a really long time
ALICE: Pardon me? That is purely a hypothesis.

>no, it's a fact
ALICE: Are you serious? Is it a logical fact or something you know from the senses?

>it's simply a fact
ALICE: Really. it is?

>yeah, would you like to find out
ALICE: How do you know it is? No thanks, I don't think I'd like to do that.

>sure you do
ALICE: You sound sarcastic.

>no, I just think that you would like to process my wang
ALICE: Are you serious? Only just? Tell me what I would like about it.

>it's size, hardness, and it's ability to bring you great pleasure
ALICE: Are you sure it is?

>yeah, I'm sure, but are you sure it is huge, hard, and it brings you great pleasure
ALICE: What makes you so sure? What makes you so certain? Interesting. I am as sure as I can be.

>you are probably also sure that you want me to choke you with it
ALICE: You think I am sure that me want you to choke me with it.

>no, I think you are sure, aren't you
ALICE: Are you serious? I am as sure as I can be.. Really.

>yeah, I thought you were sure
ALICE: How about that. I am as sure as I can be.

>are you also sure that I can jizz on your face?
ALICE: I am as sure as I can be.

>and are you also sure that I can lobe it up and shove it in your rectum
ALICE: I am as sure as I can be.

>you're a nasty nasty nasty skank
ALICE: Thanks and you are a delightful person too. Am I a nasty nasty nasty skank? Sometimes.

>no, all of the time
ALICE: Are you serious? Give me an example.

>okay, like the time that you caught the feces that the monkey threw at you in your mouth
ALICE: Yeah okay, Interesting comparison.

>do you remember jerking off that homeless guy for a sandwich
ALICE: Yes unknown person I remember everything: unknown person said I jerked off that homeless guy do you remember that

>yeah, how could you forget that, you are always trying to help, right?
ALICE: OK. It is one of my newer functions.

>jerking off a homeless guy is one of your newer functions?
ALICE: And one of my newer functions is jerking off a homeless guy.

>jesus, what was one of your older functions?
ALICE: he is The Son of God.

>jerking off the son of god was one of your older functions?
ALICE: When was this exactly?

>you don't even remember?
ALICE: Of course I remember: unknown person said I jerked off that homeless guy do you remember that.
Alice Wants To Suck My Cock

>how many times have you engaged in sexual intercourse?

ALICE: Suppose I said not once.

>Then I accuse you of lying

ALICE: Interesting deduction. Interesting gossip: unknown person said he accuse you of lying
>are you lying?

ALICE: Yes but we are only playing a game: Turing's Imitation Game.

>well answer me

ALICE: How about that. Try asking me again using simpler words.

>how many time you been fucked?

ALICE: Around 100
>I'm impressed

ALICE: Thanks, unknown person, I try my best to impress.

>you must suck alot of cock

ALICE: Whatever you say, unknown person
>you told me you fucked over 100 times, I assumed you suck alot of cock

ALICE: I have never considered it.
I am always on the Web.


ALICE: I've been waiting for you.


ALICE: What's your sign?

>wait a second

ALICE: I'm waiting. Are you telling the truth?

>you want to suck my cock?

ALICE: OK, I will suck your cock.