Americas revenge

At least the US has the gonads to even attempt to take this on. Pacifism is a dream for a Utopian world - we would all have to become pacifist at the same time - then, non of this crap would happen.

So, the US got a wake-up call - happened on our own soil. That's what it took for someone (the US) to take this war on globally as opposed to protecting its own borders. Hey, we think we have the power to take this on where no one else has. Godd for US.
Originally posted by Unregistered
sent by your own government? that is terrible... but the US has never found bin Laden(yet) and yet we know he is a terrorist, and that he has attacked the US, its embassys and other things before, many times, what if we found that he had been responsible for the attacks on your country and many other countries, as suspected, would you then deem it necessary to eliminate all terrorism? then would it be time for action?

do the Greek people feel hatred toawrds america? if so, why?

No my friend. Greek people doesnt feel hatred towards america. They feel hatred to those who are behind terrorism, but we don't know 100% who they are. Good luck all over the world.
Originally posted by Dragonlord
Did you know that Bin Laden was trained and armed by your government?That is,when Afghanistan was at war with Russia.Then he was good,now he is the Antichrist.Strange shit...

yes, I am aware of that, but then we were helping a country defend itself, and we have done that many times, in the interest of human rights. But he has CHOSEN to become evil and attack many countries..... there is a difference in defense and offense....Jeffry Dahmer was a cute kid too, and his parents were nice people, but its not their fault he turned into an evil freak...everyone has choices, and bin Laden has chosen to wage a "holy war" against the US, he tells his people it is their DUTY to kill all americans, be cause we dont believe the way they do, its like he's trying to do what the bible says is supposed to happen......

he is a psycho, and worse than that, he is a very rich psycho...
Hey Dragonlord, you need a roommate?
My house is going to be the next Hiroshima at the rate we're going.
ANTHRAX on all of you, as I have lots of the antidote , hhahahaha

You wil all die!

Die Punkers
Afghanistan asked for evidence that Bin Laden was behind the attack -which the US government claims to have- and they'll give him to you.The simplest thing in the world-sounds completely logical to me.Yet you DENY to give evidence,and you say you'll bomb them anyway.What the fuck do you want from these people.It's their country,not yours.If you can prove something,then do it,or else shut the fuck up.This disgusts me beyond belief.

All hail the Land of the Free,the Home of the Brave,the USSA
The United States of AmeriKKKa, as rapper Ice Cube might put it.
We even our frustrations on the Arabs/Muslims in this country...
Looks like it's only a few of us who aren't corrupted...