@SADUDE- The last reply you have just made is completely wrong,
"You have to use the information from your senses in context along with what you have learned in life through experience"
This implies not only your experiences, but that of which you can learn, the word
experiences is not key,
learn is. I added it because we as humans usually learn through our experiences, but there are other ways to learn, I read as much as I can about eveything, I also don't let anyone think for me, and yes, I base some of those ideas on what I have learned personally, but not all of them.
Also, truth is
not majority rules, this really surprised me when I read it, Mark Twain once said something to the effect that If you find yourself on the side of popular opinion, you better look at your ideals. The truth is, the truth is hard to find about anything, and that you must admit is a truth
Because of mans ability to analyze everything to the point where the analysis is moot, any "truth" can be found, any
assumption can be a truth to the one who assumes, yet he is usually wrong,look at any theory or law of physics, they are basically educated assumptions, but do we actually know for real? I don't know. How can anyone know how gravity works, we can make inferences and assumption but when it comes down to it, noone actually knows, yet we teach them as absolute truths. Evolution is another great example of mob truth. I make decisions for myself, while I tend to agree with most laws of physics, I also admit the possiblity of those laws being incorrect. This being said, there are things in my life that I have seen and or have looked at all sides of that I have formed a truth for me, to murder for reasons of hate, personal gain, and abuse of power is WRONG!
To steal in want of something is wrong. Notice I didn't say
need. Abusing any power of any kind for reasons of greed, apathy or personal gain is wrong. Also mans unlimited ability for hate, love, apathy, obsession, greed, enduring, suffering, deceit, and ignorance is a reality I have come to know well.
If you look at it, we basically have the same belief system, with a few major differences to be sure, I do not trust anyone but me, I don't believe anyone, but I have found that people believe me when I say something, they know I try my hardest to tell the truth and when I say I'll do something, I'll do it. Like that cheesy ass Peter Pan movie says, "My word is my bond." Honestly, I was never always this way, I used to be a compulsive liar, whatever you wanted to here, I would say it, I have come to hate that part of me, it caused nothing but pain in my life, not to mention embarassment, that is what made me the loud mouthed asshole I am today and I wouldn't change it, it was one of the things about me that made me look into myself and say,"fuck this, never again." Now it is the truth or nothing. Life experiences taken in context of life itself
is growth.
And that is a truth.
BTW, I am a major skeptic and cynic(Cynic
) but I have chosen to accept things I cannot change.