Already have raw tracks bounced for this!

I got really bored and spent about 20 mins on this before i got super pissed at the DI's lol. like you said its just a demo so whatever. raw files Quick mix.mp3

Pretty cool song tho, but i think the vocal takes suck at points.

Certainly you're not talking about the guitar DI's.. Those are pretty fucking spot on, IMO. Bass sucks though. The kid just didn't feel like spending money to get new strings for 2 songs I guess..

Curious as to why you think that of the vocals, as well..
Certainly you're not talking about the guitar DI's.. Those are pretty fucking spot on, IMO. Bass sucks though. The kid just didn't feel like spending money to get new strings for 2 songs I guess..

Curious as to why you think that of the vocals, as well..

Yeah the bass was a really rough, but i was comparing these DI's to my DI's and these are a little more dull, but also could be the guitar and strings.

idk what this guitar was or the strings that were used.

and idk there was just something about the vocals, just running them through my standard chain is seemed like i had to really try to make them sound good, pretty sure that's on his end tho. there is just something about his presence.

there not awful by any means, im just really nitpicking to be honest.
just did not like the vocals

Also the lead tones do sounds pretty sweet tho.
But with DI's man a lot of shit matters (guitar's picking,strings,guitar, how hard he is playing)

There not horrible by any means, but they sounded just a touch darker than what im use to, i always hate mixed other peoples shit tho lol, im just really use to my own stuff, i make bands tracks on all my guitar's and basses also just because im really use to them so im not going to bitch in the end. I'm sure you get what im saying tho.
both yours sound good, man. I'm guessing you backed the gain off on the guitars a bit? the note definition is really good. Like the kick and the drums overall.

Thanks man, I see your mixes improve alot too (the latest I heard was from my mixing thread I think though). Only thing is that maybe a bit more mids on your guitar would be nicer, but the seperation of the instruments is nice. But then again, my guitars probably have way too much mids for this style of music. On the sound, what I changed is using another cab for the guitar, and saturating the vocals a bit more. The rest didn't change that much.