Alright, it's time to upgrade guys...


Ik ben lekker...
Feb 21, 2006
los angeles
So I'm sick/bored/done with the firepod. It's time for me to upgrade. Here are my choices. Digi 002, Digi 003, Saffire PRO 26 i/o, and the RME fireface. What are your thoughts on each and if you had that choice, what would you do and why?
I've done a colossal amount of internal deliberation on this very topic, and my vote is the Fireface 800, because of its 10 analog ins (8 for drums, 1 for scratch GTR, 1 for talkback), superior converter/preamp quality, and the fact that it's made in Germany :heh:. In fact, I made a pro/con list between the Fireface and 003; might as well post it:

RME Fireface 800

o 10 analog inputs, so would only have to buy shitty mic and shitty
pre-amp for talkback
o Great quality converters/pres right out of the box
o 1 Rack Space
o Made in Germany
o All that routing potential via software (but do I care…?)

o Not Pro Tools Compatible (obviously)
o Only one headphone out, so need a headphone amp
o No HPF on preamps

Digidesign 003R

o HPF on all mic preamps
o Two headphone outputs with two different sources for cue mixes (so
not immediate need for headphone amp)
o “Mono” button for monitors, allowing one to pan in MONO
o Aux input that can go straight to monitors (for iPod reference)

o Only 8 analog inputs, would have to buy Pod X3 for scratch
o 2 rack spaces
o Need Black Lion Mod, which voids warranty, and might not bring
converters to Fireface quality
o Made in China
o It’s Digidesign…

Naturally none of this is from personal experience, but I think I did the best I could with the info available. Hope it helps!

EDIT: As for the focusrite, I wouldn't even consider it, cuz if the cheapest by far of the bunch is also the one with 4 more mic pres than the others, I've gotta think there's some serious sacrificing of converter/pre quality there
I've done a colossal amount of internal deliberation on this very topic, and my vote is the Fireface 800, because of its 10 analog ins (8 for drums, 1 for scratch GTR, 1 for talkback), superior converter/preamp quality, and the fact that it's made in Germany :heh:. In fact, I made a pro/con list between the Fireface and 003; might as well post it:

RME Fireface 800

o Not Pro Tools Compatible (obviously)

I fail to see how anyone could construe that as a 'con.' :flame:
(lighten up PT guys!)

FWIW, the Fireface is a kickass piece of gear.
FF800 is great, but keep in mind it only has 4 preamps on it.

You really need a headphone amp anyways, 2 headphone outs probably isn't going to be enough, a lot of bands want more.

Aux input that can go straight to monitors for iPod reference? This is easily possible with a FF800 as well. Why you want to reference off an iPod I wonder but, it's very easy to set up that type of routing with FF800.

And yes the routing with FF800 is definately a HUGE deal, one of the best things about it. Mono can be done via the software for the FF800 easily too.

Sorry, I'm not trying to sway you one way or the other, I think you were just confused on some points since you might not have any experience using it.
Cool man, thanks for pushing me even more towards the FF than I already was! Just to be clear, I did mention that I indeed have no experience with either, and I'm curious: could you elaborate on some potential uses for the internal routing? I made the above list because I'm planning on getting one soon, so I'd love to have some ideas of how to take full advantage of it!

Oh, and I'd wanna reference off an iPod simply because it'd have to be an external source, and rather than deal with a CD player, it'd be easier to have it all in one place (and I rip all my CD's at 192 kbps mp3, and quite honestly, I really can't tell the difference)
Metaltastic hit the nail on the head. if you can afford a 003R, dont even contemplate the 002R. Ive used both, and ive i had both in front of me for the same price (or a few hundred bucks difference) the 003 wins. ive never had experience with the FF800, but outta the digidesign stuff, 003 fo sho.
yeah, I used to have a Digi 002 mixer, I have a 003R now, and it fucking rules, definitely sounds better than the 002.
You can set up independant submixes, you can route inputs/outs to an unlimited number of channels, putting one signal to many ins/outs at once, being able to change the volume of one signal routed to many things independantly, loopback recording...these are just a few, most of these are hard, take a ton of aux sends/patchbays or impossible to do if you're used to mixing on a desk. Really the routing flexibility is the best thing about this unit in my opinion.