Which FW interface?

would mixing through a external interface cause any disadvantages
like bufferissues or lower latency? prior to upgrading to the ff400
from my trusty delta 192, i wanna make sure theres no drawbacks.

Are you referring to using a control surface for mixing purposes or an extenal mixer? What's the workflow/signal chain you have in mind?

I use a Tascam US2400 control surface in conjunction with my RME FF400 and it has no noticeable impact on latency. Based on your first post our workflows appear to be quite similar.
I'd go with the RME, been using one for about 2 years now, never had any issues and I've been using it practically every day. RME gives regular driver updates, the drivers are solid. One usefull utility that comes with RME is digicheck - where you can check phase, frequency response etc in real time on the converters independently from your DAW software.
Very usefull for two microphone setups.
would mixing through a external interface cause any disadvantages
like bufferissues or lower latency? prior to upgrading to the ff400
from my trusty delta 192, i wanna make sure theres no drawbacks.

I was initally worried about this, but if there has been any increased latency, I haven't noticed. The RME is one of those truly great pieces of gear. Hook it up & it just works. No problems, no grief. Half the time I forget it's even there.
I just got the FIRESTUDIO. Everything seems really well built, solid box, nice knobs. Very well packed for a 1U box. Pre's are a bit skimpy, I really have to push it to like 80-90% of capabilities to pick up something like a low voice or a practice pad with an i5. Anyway, i'm fairly happy sofar, just need to pick up a s/pdif cable and hookup the joemeek twinQ for extra inputs www.joemeek.com.

EDIT: LOL I keep messing that up, I got a presonus firestudio, I had fireface written down, hehe