Alright My father has a NWN copy on his hands...time to organize


Tzimisce Methuselah
Jan 28, 2002
Monterrey, Mexico.
Now everyone who wants to start a campain post in this thread. ( spread the word among your friends, as long as they are serious and not lee7 d00ds that just want to kill stuff ).

Also anyone with skills for scripting, D&D knowledge as a DM, Good internet connection, who is interest post it too.
Well this thread is getting a bit behind the frontpage so i figure out i should post some random thoughts.

I just got back from playing and this game is seriously worth the 60 dollars it cost me. The engine is really good, the game is very very stable ( Shure people with radeon cards and soundblaster cards are having trouble, but then again every single game relased has problem with both cards, i think the poor driver support is the problem, not the game producers ). It runs amazingly smooth on my old system with almost all the detail turned on, the only "glitches" are present when traveling very populated areas but its not an inconvenient since generally little ( so far none ) fighting occurs there. The toolset seems far more stable than the beta relase and as soon as i finish the single player quest i will familiarize with it to begin creating some modules.

My only concern however is that my cable company did some extrange setup around here cause gamespy (standart gamespy, not the build in browser ) keeps telling me my local ip address and external IP address are not the same. I figured out this would not be a problem if i run outside gamespy but when i tried running the dedicated server it keeps reporting the internal ip address ( i do not think anyone will be able to connect since the ip i get from irc and other means is completly different ).

If anyone has a clue about why my cable connection does this and how can i avoid it or make the game recognize my real ip help would be warmly welcome.
Wow, I just got back from playing NWN and it is really awsome! I'm excited about this game, it totally kicks ass! I can't wait to go through some modules in multiplayer.

I figured out this would not be a problem if i run outside gamespy but when i tried running the dedicated server it keeps reporting the internal ip address ( i do not think anyone will be able to connect since the ip i get from irc and other means is completly different ).

How is your cable modem connected to your machine? Through a network card or USB or what? I haven't tried running the server but there ought to be a way to bind the server to a certain network adapter (your cable modem rather than your NIC, that is, if you are even using drivers for the modem) and thus allowing the server to use the right IP for external connections...