Alright...No More Messin' Around...

Oct 26, 2002
I have to get WE'VE COME FOR YOU ALL.

I have to.

If I'm a metal fan, I must.

The Big Four Of Metal all released albums. Megadeth released THE WORLD NEEDS A HERO. Unfortunately it was the final breath of a great band. And most didn't exactly rave about it.
Slayer released GOD HATES US ALL. And it was one or the other for metal fans...either you loved it or hated it.
The same can be said about Metallica's ST. ANGER.
But I really haven't heard anyone say anything bad about Anthrax's WE'VE COME FOR YOU ALL. It probably is the metal record of the year. And when I told you all that I loved the song "Safe Home" and you told me it was the weakest song on the CD, that was the final word. It should be in my collection. And it will.

I will keep you posted.:wave:
dave supposedly wanted to cover am i evil, but was talked into making a "sequel'' of sorts by the original writer........way to explain ripping someone off there
GregadetH said:
dave supposedly wanted to cover am i evil, but was talked into making a "sequel'' of sorts by the original writer........way to explain ripping someone off there

a quote from Dave Mustaine's '20 Questions' on ...

20. The song "When" off the new album is basically a rip off of "Am I Evil" Why did you copy the song so closely?
I was walking back from Starbucks one morning trying to figure out what Brian Tatler the guitarists from Diamond Head was thinking when he wrote that song. I got to the studio and the phone rings and they say "Brian Tatler is on line one." I thought, you got to be fucking kidding me. He lives in England and how in the world could he find me over here in some studio in LA? So, I told him I wanted to do homage to him in the vein of Am I Evil and he said ok. Brian and I are working on a project together. So to answer your question-fuck off!

Why not just cover it instead? Refer to the last two words above.
