Alright - What the HELL Am I Doing Wrong With the SM7b!?!


May 22, 2010
Mesa, AZ
Seriously - Is there some kind of magic trick to this thing? I'm on my 4th now, and while it does sound significantly better now that I've got a pre that can supply enough gain to it (ISA 428), I still can't get this thing to fit into a mix properly. I thought at first that maybe it was just my own voice that sucks with it, but I actually much prefer it for singing on my voice than any condenser mic I've owned, but harsh vocals from myself and several others I've demo'd it with, just don't seem to fit in my mixes...

The tracks sound REALLY big and brutal by themselves, but they lack the air to really allow them to cut through a mix. I feel like I'm chopping out a lot of vital midrange in the guitars, if I want it to sit correctly - This is even with the presence boost engaged on the mic, and a pretty severe HPF on the track.

So... how do you guys get this thing to fit in your mix? What kind of vocal chains are you running? Do you just end up boosting the highs a shit ton to give it more air, or what? I feel like condensers always sit excellently for me (with barely any post-processing), but the SM7b just clashes so much with the guitars to make it usable for harsh vocals :err:
I have to dip more himids with the sm7b and my voice than usually with other mics and my voice, but after cleaning those himids the sm7 works quite good for me.
Here's a recent production I did with vocals recorded with sm7b:

After that, it's DeEsser (around 7200) and Waves SSL for compression and slight eq (small cuts at 400hz and 2khz and a boost at 8khz)
To be honest I've never had problems in making vocals fit in the mix. As for the high boost, don't be afraid of it as long as it fits the production
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