

The digital music distribution company I work for works with The End Records, and we got that one in about two and a half weeks ago.

I started to listen to it, and was completely blown away by how SHITTY IT SOUNDED. Turns out the copy The End send us was a purely shitty mono mix, encoded at a terrible bit rate. I actually brought it myself back to the label rep to tell them how bad it sounded.

If that was the real mix and not a mistake, you're in for.... err, the opposite of a treat.
Me too. Wanky bass can completely ruin bands/albums. The new Deeds of Flesh bassist is painful to listen to.
Les Claypool ruined Primus with his fretless finger picking. Imagine what that band would have been with a better bass player.
Les is the fucking man. Primus was as much about the bass as it was about funky lyrics and vox. Primus was the better weirder version of old RHCP.