Tour Cancelled...

Band tattoos are the worst. It's like putting a patch on one of your bags, but then years later you realize it's time for a change of that patch...
well, im actually flying to milan to see my girlfriend then flying to london to hang there with her for a few weeks because she lives there, then coming back to the usa. so, obviously its more important for me to see her but it would have been nice to catch the band, anyway.

wow i sound like a dick in the other post.
A Trace Of Blood said:
Band tattoos are the worst. It's like putting a patch on one of your bags, but then years later you realize it's time for a change of that patch...

too late...

plus, im a grown man...i cant change that much.

and if i do, i'll claim it has feck all to do with nevermore :)
Devy_Metal said:
is there ANY chance they will still tour over there?

If they will come to EU to play "disturbed" dates anyway, you`d not have aproblem with fligh tickets.

Just remeber that first 3 dates in March are the fistivals in Budapest/Hungary, Zlin/Czech Republic and Katowice/Poland.

Yesterday I got an confirmation from Czech`s promoter that Nevermore is 3rd band on the bill and are scheduled for 75 minutes on stage.
Next day in poland they are 5th band from the top as for today and there`s no info about time on stage but I do not think it`d be longer than 30-40 minutes nad I was told there are 2 "stars/suprise bands" more to come so schedule is subject to change...and I do not think this change would be for better as for time for NM...
That`s why I decided to go to Czech Republic despite I live in Poland. another thing is the price - in Czech tickets are twice cheaper than in Poland. If I`ll get on the press-list for Poland I will be at the show in my homeland, if not - in Zlin only.

Devy_Metal said:
yea. that singer is a fucking pussy. rest his voice? what the fuck is that shit.

Thing is the March dates WERE rescheduled. They were initially supposed to play September 2005 but cancelled because...

He had a sore throat.

Perhaps he should take the hint and stop singing.