Alternate picking


Aug 17, 2005
I started playing guitar about a month ago and I'm ok but I was wondering how long does it usually take to get pretty good at fast alternate picking like to do fast solos and stuff. Is there techniques to make yourself get better at it?
The only real technique is to play it with a metronome and play things starting slow and moving it faster as long as your playing as effortessly as you can while still pushing the notes down. Up down up down up down, I suggest doing something while you practice modes and such, like watch tv or something.
ye i started doing a little alternative picking with melodies, when i got a guitar again i'm gunna learn to alternative pick everything, then i'll get my speed up and attempt some stuff in this michael angelo video i got :P
Just practice - I don't recommend chromatics because they tend to 'addict' your fingers.
Yet I recommend that you get song tabs and practice with real songs, on 'real life' situations.
And, as tempting as it may be, don't play only 'down down down' with the pick - alternate it, up down up down from the beginning. It'll save time later.
Nick Brookes said:
I recomend doing chromatics.

I recommend getting John Petrucci's Rock Discipline DVD. Buy it and follow everything exactly as he says.

That's what I did and I can tell you that it helps out A lot.

i borght that book, it is very good and he has great guitar tone, but what gets me about mr Petrucci is he can teach you everything he can show you how to make a good song BUT come he's own albums he spends so much time making so much crap
Nick Brookes said:
i borght that book, it is very good and he has great guitar tone, but what gets me about mr Petrucci is he can teach you everything he can show you how to make a good song BUT come he's own albums he spends so much time making so much crap

Well that's just another part of the story, but you don't have to listen to his albums to learn from him. Getting the DVD will do the job too.

Plus you will learn some sweeps that will seriously impress people (even though they are easy to play)
I've been playing 4-5 years. I can't remember when I was in your shoes. But I'd recommend the metronome.
DarkStEaLtH233 said:
I started playing guitar about a month ago and I'm ok but I was wondering how long does it usually take to get pretty good at fast alternate picking like to do fast solos and stuff. Is there techniques to make yourself get better at it?

play bass.
I'm way to addicted to playing guitar to play bass right now...but thanks for the help guys.
Wings of a dream said:
I recommend getting John Petrucci's Rock Discipline DVD. Buy it and follow everything exactly as he says.

That's what I did and I can tell you that it helps out A lot.


that rock discipline DVD is fecking class!!!

i aquired mine ;)
DarkStEaLtH233 said:
I started playing guitar about a month ago and I'm ok but I was wondering how long does it usually take to get pretty good at fast alternate picking like to do fast solos and stuff. Is there techniques to make yourself get better at it?

maybe you could find a tacky bad quality google video on the subject.