Alternative metal, check it out! (Slate, LeCto, S2.0, lots of automation and TACT!!!)


Space Cowboy
Mar 7, 2010
Borlänge, Sweden
Hey d00dz! Like 5 hours ago I was sitting on the porch smoking a cigarette, that's where and when I came up with the original idea for this song. Just got hold of slate samples today so I threw those in there aswell, did sort of a "less is more" approach to this one. Toms and cymbals are standard N.Y. Avatar from superior drummer, guitars LeCto with some awesome Recto-impulse (can't recall) and bass is Ampeg SVX, that's about it. Mastering bus got SSLComp, LinMB, PSP Mixsaturator2 and Ozone for limiting on it.

Everything was written, recorded and mixed by me after a couple of Kahùlas with milk and ice.

Song is called "Bone White"

Tell me what you think!

Moonlight reflects in your eyes
But lower your head, child
The answer does not lie
In the fading light of stars
Nor the textures of your scars
In shelter of the night
We open our hearts

Your careful words will echo
Once more, through these bone white corridors
Blind walls, that can't tell a poet from a warrior
that sounds awesome !
any info on the guitar chain ?
id like to see screenshots of this if you can :D
SOUNDS REALLY GOOD. the vocals sound unmixed tho.
whats ur bass and guitar chain?
and the kick is lacking lows
That bass sounds really muffled in some bits (is it a pitch shifted guitar? :D ) and maybe needs bringing up a bit, also your vocals get lost a bit in the quiet bits so try automating them there.
Also that kick is driving me crazy :lol:
it works in the chorus but in the verse you need something a bit more weighty
same here unfortunately. guitars sound way too digital and unpleasing to my ear. id go for something more rocky marshallesque with as little gain as possible.
kick needs way more dynamic and less click. i know its programmed, but its always a good idea to make slate, s.2 and so on more real sounding.
no drummer would hit the shit out of his kick in those quiet parts where its all about the singer, not the kick ;-)
so overall maybe compare your mix and recording to something like mars volta. i think their guitarsound would fit much better.
Thanks for the feedback guys! Well, I was aiming for some sort of a compromise between the sturgis-ish digital crappy tone and the totally thrased like "bmth in studio fredman"-ish tone, and it sounds like shit so mission accomplished! Correct, the bass is pitch shifted guitar and just one single track aswell (sry, i got lazy!) so with the extreme pumping from the kick at certain points (chorus) it gets kinda muffled. Also, listnening to this shit sober the day after I totally get that a roaring fucking recto-sim is a million blocks away from the ballpark for this song. Speaking of lazy, i only automated vocal effects, not levels, haha! Could totally bring the himids and level of the kick down in the verses, maybe less compression aswell. Also, the de-esser needs automation, you who've read the lyrics might have realized that alot of s'es at the end of words are missing. But i use a Rode NT1-A for vocals with a crappy popkiller so it gets really airy. Anyways, I'll get on that shit as soon as i finish the brutal death metal single for my band, cuz that shits gotta be done friday! damn
A "little" printscreen of how my guitars are set up. I run dual 24" monitors, so all the plugs in the left window are the ones on the individual tracks, and the ones on the right are for the group channel track! Enjoy.
