Am I crazy or is this possible?

Yeah, but science is just a pile up of the best explanations on the subject(not prroof, but what seems to be the most logical).

I'm not saying that your story is incorrect, offcourse there is truth in your perspective, but so is mine, i think the combination of the 2 would be a good explanation;)
Yeah, but science is just a pile up of the best explanations on the subject(not prroof, but what seems to be the most logical).

I'm not saying that your story is incorrect, offcourse there is truth in your perspective, but so is mine, i think the combination of the 2 would be a good explanation;)

To each their own, but for me it's really nothing but science. Of course every now and then you encounter things that can't be logically or scientifically explained, but in my opinion sleep paralysis is not one of those. Back in the day folk tought sleep paralysis was a supernatural phenomena, but then again, masses of people were burned after two kids at a church door identified them as witches because of the invisible marks on their foreheads...
... preventing us from moving and thus harming ourselves or the person sleeping next to us...

And sometimes that person next to us isn't paralyzed enough to stop those flopping arms from hitting you in the face or getting an elbow in the side. Hmm...or maybe my wife is just pretending to be asleep to have the excuse of hitting me. ?? :lol:

I've had the sleep paralysis a few times myself, and it was scary as hell.
And sometimes that person next to us isn't paralyzed enough to stop those flopping arms from hitting you in the face or getting an elbow in the side. Hmm...or maybe my wife is just pretending to be asleep to have the excuse of hitting me. ?? :lol:

I've had the sleep paralysis a few times myself, and it was scary as hell.

Haha, tell me about it. I'm a horribly restless sleeper, I roll around, talk, laugh, yell, sit up and sometimes throw punches that gladly are weak enough not to actually hurt :) A couple of times my girlfriend has told me I have sat up in the middle of the night and screamed madly, and then just went back to sleep like nothing happened, and I can barely remember having a nightmare. Damn I feel sorry for her having to sleep next to me :D

But the paralysis that prevents excess movement happens in the REM phase of sleep AFAIK, so we can still (unfortunately) go nuts while asleep :)
I fall alseep on my arm sometimes and wake up in the middle of the night and cannot move or feel it at all. I have to like throw it aside and it takes a minute or so for it to slowly "come back to life", haha... I was thinking, what if that happened to both of my arms and my house caught on fire or something?!
Do you expect him to run through the door? lol.

Man the first time that happened to me I was fucking scared but it came back in a few seconds. Once it took a minute or two and then I got panicky. I could literally beat the other arm but it was as if it was anaesthetised. Pretty weird shit till you get the feeling back. Major pins and needles.
Just imagining a guy with temporarily limp arms trying to kick his way through the doors in his house as it catches fire behind him cracks me up. :lol:

Even funnier, the only way you can have both arms to be numb at the same time is if you slept face down with them squeezed beneath your chest....or the ceiling fell on you, but by then you'll have marginally bigger problems to deal with.