Am I crazy or is this possible?


Feb 20, 2005
So I had a rude (and weird) awakening this morning, and it was one of those half asleep stupor moments where I can't determine if what I think happened actually did or not. I live on a very heavily trafficked road, including a lot of heavy vehicles (not like 18-wheelers, but still, big moving truck-sized vehicles), and this morning, I was woken up by a deep, rumbling sort of howl (like a low sine wave) that seemed to oppresively permeate the room.

Now, maybe I was just dreaming it or something, but I just got a 15" Tapco Thump PA speaker, and I had it lying down (unplugged and off, naturally) next to my wall under my window, and it sounded as if it was resonating at a frequency of one of the trucks driving by, which was the cause of the aforementioned rumble. Is that at all possible, or am I crazy? :loco:
Sleep paralysis? I often hear this low, buzzing sound like my blood circulation was turbo charged all of a sudden when the paralysis kicks in. Nasty as hell.

i had sleep paralysis the other night... scary stuff. could hear holographic universe playing, seen lights bouncing along the wall from cars driving past, but could not move, or speak. I also felt a force pushing me down.
happened 3 times in one night. lasted about 3 mins per time
i had sleep paralysis the other night... scary stuff. could hear holographic universe playing, seen lights bouncing along the wall from cars driving past, but could not move, or speak. I also felt a force pushing me down.
happened 3 times in one night. lasted about 3 mins per time

People used to think it's witchcraft.. the pushed down feeling... i've had that as well a few times.. pretty weird like someone is sitting on my bed holding me down.
Sleep paralysis... crazy stuff.

Also when im close to falling asleep, sometimes i hear voices outside my window like there are about 4-5 people just chatting at 4 a clock at night in front of my window.. offcourse, after 5 minutes of that chatter i wake up lightly because im getting pissed off at those assholes who are chatting useless shit i cant make out in front of my window! just to realise that i was sort of dreaming it.. lol, i get this after a busy day and it's still a weird experience, but quite funny.
People used to think it's witchcraft.. the pushed down feeling... i've had that as well a few times.. pretty weird like someone is sitting on my bed holding me down.
Sleep paralysis... crazy stuff.

Also when im close to falling asleep, sometimes i hear voices outside my window like there are about 4-5 people just chatting at 4 a clock at night in front of my window.. offcourse, after 5 minutes of that chatter i wake up lightly because im getting pissed off at those assholes who are chatting useless shit i cant make out in front of my window! just to realise that i was sort of dreaming it.. lol, i get this after a busy day and it's still a weird experience, but quite funny.

Yeah, hearing voices and sounds is normal (at least for me) when paralysed. I wouldn't call it funny, tho. The first time I had one I was in highschool and had a horrible hangover. I was laying on the couch in the school hallway when the paralysis kicked in, thought I was having a friggin' heart attack :D
It's wierd to see sleep paralysis discussed again in a totally unrelated topic after I mentioned it the other day in the ghost thread.

The first time it happened to me was perhaps the most terrifying experience of my life. Of course, that was years ago before I'd ever heard of such a thing.
I had sleep paralysis since like 10, and a year ago it just went away... but i think its a bad sign couse i've stoped dreaming and generaly wake up more tired then i fell asleep

Oh, and I never heard low noises, only high pitched shrieking in my ears when i wanted really to wake up, my demons were yelling at me :mad:
Ok, this morning I happened to be awake at around 6:30 AM, and DEFINITELY heard the rumbling noise again, so now I'm certain it was the noise of some truck resonating through my PA speaker - wild! Moral of the story is move it away from the window before I go to sleep, I guess!

And thanks for the info on sleep paralysis - sounds like scary stuff, and if I ever experience it, I'll be extremely grateful to know what it is, rather than having my mind run wild with speculation :erk:
Ughhhh, thank goodness I've never experienced sleep paralysis. Although I thought something happened the other night. It's funny, but I had just been reading one of these threads that day. I woke up to what I think were the sounds of the cabinet doors in my kitchen being slammed, and I couldn't move for a few seconds. I woke up shortly after. Not sure if it was a full on dream or sleep paralysis. I just hope it never happens to me; I'd probably soil myself, haha.

yeah is scary, it come from dreams i thinks, but feel pretty real, i´ve just experience it once, i was dreaming that there was an alien out of my house and a space ship, tried to get up but i could not, like if something forced me to stay layed in bed, tried to open my eyes completely but it was hard to do, a few seconds later and i everything was normal, but it scared me alot and leave on the the sensation of terror, feells really weird.
Sleep paralysis? I often hear this low, buzzing sound like my blood circulation was turbo charged all of a sudden when the paralysis kicks in. Nasty as hell.

that sound is not caused by your sleep paralysis mate.

Sleep paralysis is simply put: your body is asleep, but your mind isnt, and you are putting more energy into your mind, rather than your body, since it's resting.
so when you are in this state, your vibration(of your body etc) resonates on a far lower freq than during day time, this allowes you to experience other entities, stuff like that.

And the buzz that alot hear, is supposed to be the transition from the physichal body to the transient body.

Ok, this morning I happened to be awake at around 6:30 AM, and DEFINITELY heard the rumbling noise again, so now I'm certain it was the noise of some truck resonating through my PA speaker - wild! Moral of the story is move it away from the window before I go to sleep, I guess!

And thanks for the info on sleep paralysis - sounds like scary stuff, and if I ever experience it, I'll be extremely grateful to know what it is, rather than having my mind run wild with speculation :erk:


its not scary, just keep in mind(when you experience sleep paralysis) thats your mind has woken up earlier than your body, itll wear off!!


This might sound weird to you guys(dont know how much you know about this stuff)

But if you look at it like this:
You have a fysical body and a transient body(astral) when you go to sleep.
Your fysical body is resting, when you are in sleep, your mind offcourse is resting aswell.

But you can learn to induce your fysical body to go to sleep WITHOUT having your mind going to sleep, some people do this unknowing, which leads to fear when you experience sleep paralysis, but when you know whats going on, it not that scary.

Hope this helps.
Nice one Jeroen!

You know what else is really great? that feeling of falling through your bed when you are almost sleeping... i always chuckle when i get that and the continue falling into sleep.
that sound is not caused by your sleep paralysis mate.

Sleep paralysis is simply put: your body is asleep, but your mind isnt, and you are putting more energy into your mind, rather than your body, since it's resting.
so when you are in this state, your vibration(of your body etc) resonates on a far lower freq than during day time, this allowes you to experience other entities, stuff like that.

And the buzz that alot hear, is supposed to be the transition from the physichal body to the transient body.


Believe me bro, I looked into it and found out everything I could about sleep paralysis when I first started having it. The buzzing noise is not that common, but still caused to some people by the paralysis. It's usually a high pitched tone, but not in every case. In my case, I get paralysed just before falling asleep, which also is a more rare form of sleep paralysis.

And what comes to it not being scary; some of the common symptoms of sleep paralysis are feeling the presence of something evil, seeing what are commonly described as 'shadow people' and fear of death. That's pretty scary to me, even if I realise what's happening :)

To me, there's nothing paranormal about sleep paralysis. It's just a state where the body is still (or in my case, has just entered) the REM phase of sleep, and the mind is still conscious and awake. Being paralysed while asleep is a completely natural state, preventing us from moving and thus harming ourselves or the person sleeping next to us. That's the scientific explanation, anyway.