Am i crazy or...

Amazing song... I will admit to preferring the truncated version found on the live collection. Incredible segue from "The Death of Balance"...
Oh heck yeah! That delay section in CF is truly great. Really effective guitar trick...and I love the section of Odyssey "Champion of Ithaca" where the same type of riff occurs. Still can't figure out if it's MJR or Pinella doing that part...but same kinda deal. Just love it.
All I need to say is "Look at my sig!" :grin:
It's just.. I can so relate to it myself.. that's a big part of it too.. it's just so friggin awesome! :)
SyX-Fan said:
All I need to say is "Look at my sig!" /forum/images/smilies/supergrin.gif
It's just.. I can so relate to it myself.. that's a big part of it too.. it's just so friggin awesome! /forum/images/smilies/smile.gif

Why? What song is that from? ;)
Soul of Ice said:
my one complaint is that Candlelight Fantasia should have come on before Divine Wings.

I think it works perfectly as the closer. After the exhausting 20 minute epic... you close out with a nice, relaxing ballad. It's very beautiful and memorable.