Am I Disturbed?

The drowning "confirms that what we are finding, that this continuing cycle of people not knowing how to swim and their children not knowing how to swim and still being around water," said Sue Anderson, USA Swimming's Director of Programs and Services.
It is tragic, absolutely tragic, that humans are the dumbest fucking beasts on the planet.
Oh yeah, and halfway through reading the story I was wondering why RiA posted it, but I figured "oh, they must be black" just before getting to LaShawonda's name. :dopey:
Swimming skills can be scarce among African-Americans like the teens in this tragedy. A study commissioned by the sports governing body USA Swimming found 69 percent of black children had low or no swimming ability compared to 41.8 percent of white children. Segregation kept blacks out of public and private pools for decades and the disparity continues because many poor and working class children have limited access to pools or instruction.

this is pretty amazing. I go to the beach a lot in the summer and the one I go to has a lot of A-A's around the nabe. I always see them or their kids literally not more than knee deep in the water. I rarely see one that can swim. The ones that try usually end up on the news drowned the next day from the nasty riptides.
Edit - Perfect timing, two gibbons in a standoff with police after a bank robbery gone awry in Los Angeles. An innocent 8 yr old has already fallen victim. My earlier smirk vindicated by their innate animalistic tendencies. Cornbread for all!


this is pretty amazing. I go to the beach a lot in the summer and the one I go to has a lot of A-A's around the nabe. I always see them or their kids literally not more than knee deep in the water. I rarely see one that can swim. The ones that try usually end up on the news drowned the next day from the nasty riptides.

Handguns are rendered inefficient once submerged.
:lol: nice one

but seriously, i was a life guard for two summers at a water park. i swear man, those black kids cant swim for shit. yet they always find themselves in deep waters. where the fuck are your parents? oh yeah, and those kids were always fat

funny thing is, if you don't panic and just stay still, you'll float. DUUUURRRRRRR
This is a trend I've noticed for years, the utter unpreparedness of mankind. I make frequent road trips toward the middle of nowhere. At any given time I have enough supplies in my car to survive temperatures from below freezing to well into the triple digits. Water, comfortable shoes, blankets, rope, first aid kid, maps, spare vehicle fluids, tools, etc. Why? Because you don't have to be a fucking boy scout to know that being prepared for tragedy is what helps avoid it altogether. Anyhow, on many of those nowheresville trips, at rest stops I notice just how fucking moronic people are. No water, no supplies, and wearing flip flops in the middle of the desert. :err:

Technology has allowed the stupid to survive. This frightens me. If I believed in a deity I would pray for a plague.