Am I Disturbed?

dorian gray

Returning videotapes
Apr 8, 2004
this morning when i realized that New Orleans was NOT going to get wiped off the face of the planet, i got kinda irritated. in all honesty, i was actually looking forward to the destruction of that shithole of a city. in my defense though, it wasnt like i wanted a million people to die - they had already evacuated - i just wanted there to be nothing for them to return to.

i think the media had something to do with this. for several days before landfall, they were touting the ABSOLUTE DESTRUCTION OF EVERYTHING. it was ridiculous.

so did anyone else get bummed when nothing happened? or is there something wrong with me?
nah, nothing wrong with you. I like New Orleans, but I can't wait for California, and mostly Hollywood/Beverly Hills, to fall into the ocean.
yeah los angeles can drop into a sinkhole for all i care. although hopefully not tomorrow night, since i'll be out there and all. oh shit i was there today and last friday too. damn, that place just sucks you in without knowing it!

i wish no harm on anyone but yeah. no. maybe. i dunno. fuck los angeles.
but New Orleans is *below sea level*! that irritates me to no end. and it's not just that, i really wanted something to get destroyed.

somewhat off topic: why is it that people who choose to live in places like Florida and California are always getting federal FEMA dollars from farmers in Iowa? it doesnt seem to fair to me.
dude we have some pretty harsh weather out here sometimes, look what happened to my porch this past winter!

That's nothing compared to what us non-desert Californians have to deal with; why when I was eight years old I left my bike out in the rain and BAM rust all over.
Seriously, but then all these redneck fuckers get their shitty houses blown down and the government can't help them out fast enough.
dorian gray said:
this morning when i realized that New Orleans was NOT going to get wiped off the face of the planet, i got kinda irritated. in all honesty, i was actually looking forward to the destruction of that shithole of a city. in my defense though, it wasnt like i wanted a million people to die - they had already evacuated - i just wanted there to be nothing for them to return to.

i think the media had something to do with this. for several days before landfall, they were touting the ABSOLUTE DESTRUCTION OF EVERYTHING. it was ridiculous.

so did anyone else get bummed when nothing happened? or is there something wrong with me?

since moving, i don't have a tv and i've ceased reading newspapers, so i have absolutely not the first clue what the shit goes on in the world. wtf.
One Inch Man said:
dude we have some pretty harsh weather out here sometimes, look what happened to my porch this past winter!
lol. "winter" with living flowers, green treez and rain. :lol:

i guess that is the price of freedom
J. said:
nah, nothing wrong with you. I like New Orleans, but I can't wait for California, and mostly Hollywood/Beverly Hills, to fall into the ocean.
Learn to swim, learn to swim, learn to swim....

Sorry, someone had to do it.

By the by, I'm not a huge Tool fan, but that is, without question, one of the all-time greatest songs.

What's New Orleans like anyhow? I heard it's humid as fuck, and its covered with obese people.

As far as El Gay goes. I work right in the middle of the sunset strip. There isn't one fucking person walking that blvd that isnt pretensious as all hell. They literally walk around with their gucci bags draped over their shoulders with their noses in the air. Whatever you see on t.v. shows like the Melrose Place...isn't much of a stretch from the truth.
Erik said:
lol. "winter" with living flowers, green treez and rain. :lol:
rain? ;)

actually it snowed and rained a whole shitload this past winter, but that's not entirely common.