Am I Missing Something?


Sep 7, 2001
I did not start the second "Should Go Banana, Go Thread." Has someone gotten hold of passwords or is there some strange new feature on UM I am not aware of. And I am positive no one here at my house did it, I'm confused.
Did I double post on accident a few days ago, and forget about it? :lol: I need more sleep if thats the case.
I was thinking "why the hell does he do another
thread on this when he just had a poll about it
not too long ago?!" I hadn't seen this new one
until a few hours ago....
Must've been a double post though....
I never even noticed that I had double posted, and here I go asking if someone has stolen my identity :lol: This thread is too embarrassing to delete :tickled: . In my defense though I only had about nine hours of sleep the past two days.
Originally posted by Blackspirit
I hadn't seen this new one
until a few hours ago....

Me either, we have an imposter amongst us
Hey - I personally don't like the banana - but don't even THINK of me as a perpetrator. I would never sabatage our board in this way :

We must investigate!! :)