Am i the only one that has this problem...

Oct 17, 2005
Kinnear, Wyoming
Am i the only one that has this problem...

loosing picks...


ill buy a pack of fucking picks...and they disapear!!! were the fuck..i swear their is some little gnome runnin around stealing all my picks or something, ever since i started playing picks would just....vanish. fuck! ill go buy a pack, then ill lose them!

am i the only one that has this problem? cause i go through picks like nothing. *sigh*
No, I wear them down like Pinocchio wears out sandpaper on lonely Saturday nights. I'll pull a fresh one out of the pack - either a 1.14mm purple tortex 'regular' or a 1.5mm white tortex sharpie - and the next day it'll have its edges so worn down that it looks like it was used to force a dead bolt open. I'm looking at this one poor sharpie in front of me that has seen a day of combat but has gone from a pointy tip to a beveled edge so horribly that the new 'tip' that's been worn into it is a full 3mm wide. Granted, I've been playing DNR loud enough for me to hear my Dean as if it were an acoustic (14-70 strings in C#), but still... I've even knocked a full millimeter off one of those metal picks that are supposed to last forever.

My solution would be to stick them on the guitar - hold five or so in the strings above the nut, invest in some double sided tape or a strap pick holder, something like that - and never let them be set down anywhere else but your designated pick home. I once lost picks, but I no longer have that problem as they die horrible, horrible deaths at the hands of stainless steel and Testament.

No, I wear them down like Pinocchio wears out sandpaper on lonely Saturday nights.

My solution would be to stick them on the guitar - hold five or so in the strings above the nut, invest in some double sided tape or a strap pick holder


Aye, strap pick holders are most useful. Always keep a favourite pick or 2 in your wallet, too.

:lol: At your opening similie. It conjured the most bizarrely hilarious yet equally cringe-inducing of imagery.
I use to lose picks. Now I have a stash of spares near my PC and the "main" pick gets slotted into the strings @the 12th fret after every use and goes into the case with the guitar.
Then there's the two that I keep in my wallet :p

Even still, I'm thinking of investing in a pick holder.
I've got this "black hole for picks" carpet that is patterned with these triangular shapes and patterns such that if you drop a dark pick, you cannot find it by sight. Your eyes just can't distinguish between the carpet and the pick. Picks just blend in. You literally have to go on your knees and feel around for it.

It's a kick to throw a pick on the ground while someone else isn't watching, and then see him look for it, really funny to watch the person get frusterated!
LMAO, it gets like that if I put a pick down on my desk then come back after a while and don't remember where exactly I put it. Sometimes I just grab another pick and find the other one a few hours later without looking :p
i bought a pick holder that attatches to the headstock of my guitar, very nice now i have picks....alot of them cause i bought a shit ton of them...they will be gone within a week...
I once tried tethering my picks to various parts of the guitar with dental floss. It's helping me keep my laptop pen (one of those tablet PC convertibles) from getting lost, and it helped me keep picks in convenient (although silly-looking) places when I still tried. As I said earlier, though, beating the shit out of thick wires made of the stuff they make trains out of will take its toll on most things. At least you can console yourself with the fact that in the odd situation when you do find a pick it still bears some similar appearance to something you could actually play with.

I lose picks all the time.
I think the best is when you drop it, you try to catch it, and after you've WATCHED it fall to the ground and hit the floor, it just fucking disappears.