I'm just not getting this at all...

i agree, i love Savatage don't get me wrong, but i do think they are one of the most overrated bands on this board. again, not being a hater just an interesting thing i noted here.

like i love the early years, but i cannot stand the Zack era at all. so that is always a blemish on their career for me.

although nothing rocks harder than Power Of The Night!
I would not think they are overrated, well maybe here.
I think they are a pretty damn good band. All the "styles" shown in their work show a lot of diversity in musical influence. And the band has a reach to appeal to many different tastes and they do this is why they are popular. More power to them.
Crack the Skye still is my favorite of the year. I think to "get" Mastodon though you really have to give it a number of listens, especially this one. What I like about the new one is it flows really well, yet each song has its own distinctive sound. As far as vocals, this has never been a band where vocals are great, but I do like the cleaner sound. There's not a lot of range vocally but I do find it appealing. The boring part I really don't get, though there are more softer parts of this album.

With all that said, I for one don't get how they've become critical darlings. They're actually more artistically talented than most bands in my opinion, which is interesting because I find most critics talk about more generic bands. I think the same with Meshuggah. I don't see how the critics love them but none of the other bands in their similar genre.

Also, back to Mastodon, they aren't a band for everyone. As I believe Zod said, if you take a look at their progression from the first album until now, that may have a lot to do with it. They did sort of start this movement though, combining sludgy, southern sound with prog that bands like Baroness and many others have taken. Though, I do prefer Baroness' Red Album to anything Mastodon has done, including this.
People have different opinions. I hate Savatage, but you don't see me making threads about it. :p :p

...and just think, I thought you had great music taste up to this point! :p

Edgeofthorns: Which bands does Mastodon sound so alike as to call generic? And please let me know who was doing it before them.

Priestess comes to mind off hand.

i agree, i love Savatage don't get me wrong, but i do think they are one of the most overrated bands on this board. again, not being a hater just an interesting thing i noted here.

like i love the early years, but i cannot stand the Zack era at all. so that is always a blemish on their career for me.

although nothing rocks harder than Power Of The Night!

...Matt, see if I buy anymore CDs from you! :p

This x1000.
If there's any bands that sound like Mastodon, I would LOVE to know about them.
Obviously Neurosis, etc don't count.

...again, Priestess comes to mind. If I'm not mistaken, they toured with them a few years ago.

...again, Priestess comes to mind. If I'm not mistaken, they toured with them a few years ago.
Are you sure you're thinking of the right band? I hear zero similarity between Priestess and Mastodon. And if there was any similarity, you would have to give the nod to Mastodon, as their debut dropped in 2002, while Priestess' dropped in 2006. Priestess seems to have their roots firmly planted in the Stoner scene, while Mastodon was clearly Neurosis.

i think to truly "get" Mastodon you need to see the progression of the band over their last 4 albums. I mean some of you guys may not get it, but each time they release an album it's on most press and critics top 20 of the year. this cannot be just because they are Mastodon, it's because people enjoy what they do. i am getting used to the clean singing, as i always thought the harsh vocals fit their style better, but hey i understand why bands change over time because they need a change creatively. but if you listen to Remission, Leviathan, Blood Mountain and then Crack The Skye you will see a definite growth within the band, which i think is why people dig them so much because they continue to alter their formula each time. plus a concept record about Rasputin?! c'mon doesn't get anymore prog than that?!! hahaha.

but as far as dipping into progressive metal, they definitely do, just not in the usual ways. they are progressive just as a band like Riverside are progressive even though it can be argued they aren't.
just my opinion of course.

I saw these guys back in May I think it was, and they slayed! Absolutely perfect! They played CtS all the way through and select songs off Leviathan and Blood Mountain. I was against the rail, right in front of Bill. I studied his hands the entire night, and I have no idea how they come up with some of those riffs. Definitely some of the most creative music I've ever heard.

I didn't like Mastodon until I decided to buy Leviathan. I still didn't love them until a few listens in. The way they can take an album's theme, and portray that mood with the music is incredible. Just listen to Heart's Alive with your eyes closed and tell me you don't feel as if you're out at sea, in an epic battle with Moby Dick. In fact, Im listening to it right now and can feel the powerful waves splashing against the boat, rocking me around. Im starting to get sea sick lol

And about the vox... Come on, sure they ain't the best, but they fit the music perfectly. I love the clean vox. They help create a really cool atmosphere. And its also really cool how everyone in the band sings, with the exception of Bill. Keeps it interesting.
I didn't care for this band for the longest time. I still don't care for most of their work.

However, I do enjoy the first 3.75 minutes of "The Czar". Then the song gets annoying.

So yeah, my post was rather pointless.
Don't feel bad, I've tried getting into them many times due to all the hype and I don't get it either. And I own most of the albums but I give up now. Same with Gojira, Opeth, Meshuggah and to a lesser extent Tool. People, who I respect, worship these bands, but try as I might its mostly my wanting to like it more then actually like it.
haha, wait until you hear the new LINE OF FIRE. we are mixing it now. damn good stuff!

plus, you know the first SAVATAGE stuff is the best stuff, despite your screen name :p hahaha they lost me after Streets really. that is pretty hard album to top in their catalog.


Matt, I'm looking forward to hearing it. With that said, I love both eras of Savatage dearly. Both are relevant, but both are different. In my opinion, they're the best, most consistent band in all of metal, period. Yes, I do :worship: this band.

Are you sure you're thinking of the right band? I hear zero similarity between Priestess and Mastodon. And if there was any similarity, you would have to give the nod to Mastodon, as their debut dropped in 2002, while Priestess' dropped in 2006. Priestess seems to have their roots firmly planted in the Stoner scene, while Mastodon was clearly Neurosis.


That's fine, but you and I could argue about Mastodon's sound all day, without getting anywhere. Instead of me trying to convince you that they're nothing special, why don't you tell me what's so different about them.

Nope. I gave it a couple spins because it was ranked so highly, and it didn't do a thing for me, so I went back to listening to Amorphis.

:headbang:...Mastodon and Amorphis don't even belong in the same galaxy!

Don't feel bad, I've tried getting into them many times due to all the hype and I don't get it either. And I own most of the albums but I give up now. Same with Gojira, Opeth, Meshuggah and to a lesser extent Tool. People, who I respect, worship these bands, but try as I might its mostly my wanting to like it more then actually like it.

Aaron, I don't feel bad at all. Like you, I do respect the opinions of others on this board, so I wanted to give this band a fair shake and I feel like I have. It's simply different strokes for different folks. :kickass:

...am I the only one on this forum that thinks Mastadon's Crack the Skye is utter boredom? :zombie: Honestly, the music just sounds like a bunch of racket to me, having no melody, and doesn't ever really go anywhere. Not to mention, the singer is below average. I know, I know, this is simply my opinion, but it blows me away how many people have this album listed in their top picks for 2009.


I feel the same...Never liked them, saw them live once and bored me intensely...
That's fine, but you and I could argue about Mastodon's sound all day, without getting anywhere. Instead of me trying to convince you that they're nothing special, why don't you tell me what's so different about them.
Actually, we couldn't argue about it for more than ten minutes. I'm not that a big a Mastodon fan and it wouldn't take long before I grew bored and changed the subject.

To my original point, I have no issue with you saying Mastodon is boring. Such an assessment is completely subjective. However, if you want to say they're generic, that's a different animal. And attempting to turn it around and put the onus on me to prove they're not is unfair, for two reasons. To begin, you made the original statement. It's on you to back it up. And second, I can't prove Mastodon isn't generic, as it's impossible to prove a negative.

I love High on Fire, but I don't know about this. While I have all of their discs, I still haven't given them proper listening. Out of curiosity, what do you think is their best disc thus far?

I think that HoF has grown with each release.
Much of what seems to be said about MASTODON.

I loved DEATH IS THIS COMMUNION. Looking forward to the new one.