AMARANTHE: Maximalism

No point in trying to polish a turd here; that song is awful. :-/

They dropped the first turd off into the bowl, hopefully it doesn't become full-on diarrhea, because this one is definitely their worst song ever!
I've never been a huge fan but I've always bought their stuff and given it a fair shake.
I assume I'll do the same here, but this one could quickly become Geoff Tate-like Queensryche.
That is, must avoid at all costs
If there was any doubt who their target audience was with that song it was put to rest. A turd IS a turd and that video was an insult to all the Amaranthe fans who've supported them threw their rise thru the ranks. No nice way to put it and why be politically correct...I've smelled horseshit that was better than that.
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If there was any doubt who their target audience was with that song it was put to rest. A turd IS a turd and that video was an insult to all the Amaranthe fans who've supported them threw their rise thru the ranks. No nice way to put it and why be politically correct...I've smelled horseshit that was better than that.

Personally the single is not my favorite from the band but that doesn't mean I'm not rooting for them. To say the video is an "insult" to Amaranthe fans is a little strong IMO...The video is not any different than the dancing and choreography they've had in past videos. The goal is to sell albums and appeal to a larger audience not write the same album over and over. How cool would it be to see an Amaranthe song on the billboard singles charts and say that they made their U.S. debut at ProgPower USA?
Personally the single is not my favorite from the band but that doesn't mean I'm not rooting for them. To say the video is an "insult" to Amaranthe fans is a little strong IMO...

Matt come on. I know you're friends with this band but .. and this is going to be REALLY harsh to read.. after about 45 seconds into that video I have never wanted to see a band boo'd off [any] stage [that's claiming itself to be a metal show] more than Amaranthe. Maybe that single isn't representative of the full album, but holy fuck, everything about this particular shit turd is something I think needs to be wafflestomped down the drain and never spoken of again.

how cool would it be to see an Amaranthe song on the billboard singles charts and say that they made their U.S. debut at ProgPower USA?

I'm not coming to Progpower USA for 4 Synchronized backup dancers and the bands that use them in videos. I can go to a Beyonce concert and be surrounded by my own people if that's what I was into. Is this really the image you want to project for this genre and make it what people associate with Metal in general? Because I don't.

I'm done with this band and their obvious need to cater to the lowest common denominator and not even attempt to hide what they're doing. I applaud them for wanting to make the most amount of money in the least amount of time, however, I'm out.
The problem right now for any band trying to sell out, at least in the US market, is that uptempo pop music seems to have taken a bit of a hiatus in favor of Ed Sheeran/ Shawn Mendes acoustic/indie/dance pop and really slow and boring songs that aren't even properly ballads most of the time, just some pretty girl singing the same lyric breathily over a slow beat. Pop music has just taken a bit of an odd turn lately kinda like we saw transitioning from the 80s to the 90s, so it's just not a good time to be trying to reach that market if your brand is built on power vocals. Not to mention pop songs these days are built on clever turns of phrase as much as on hooks, and it's tough for foreign songwriters to compete on that playing field.

That being said, three points in favor of the song:

1) Elize Ryd has always been more of a pop singer than metal singer and it WORKS in the context of the band. On this song she's actually showing that she's getting better. There's no one quite like her in metal.
2) Despite what I said above, Amaranthe at least seems to be aware of what can sell(or their management is), and this song could plausibly do well. It probably won't(at least not in the US), but there's a chance.
3) Just as an Amaranthe song, not assuming anything about their motives, it's fine, IMO. No one is doing what they are doing and they are starting to incorporate more and more variety into their sound.

Bonus point:

4) If Amaranthe truly does want to cross over, get rid of the extreme vocals and replace with a rapper.
Passionate feelings aside about the single/video, you may want to hear the rest of the album before you move on.

You're right. And you're not the first person who's mentioned that, but I've just lost so much interest between The Nexus and this... whatever this is. I want this to be a joke song, I do. And I'll give the new album a play through, because I respect the opinion of you and milton, but .. it's gonna be hard to wash this bitterness out of my mouth. lol

4) If Amaranthe truly does want to cross over, get rid of the extreme vocals and replace with a rapper.

Let's not give them ideas for the next album.
Wow, such melodrama and hyperbole.

I don't like the song either, but it is the first song of theirs I have not liked, so they have quite a bit of capital built up for me that I will definitely give the album a chance.

Also while I love metal music, metal fandom has never felt right for me. So somehow introducing heavy pop influence and dancing into your video is the sin amongst sins that violates the metal bro code and is not tolerated because it steps outside the masculine lines of the genre (remember I don't much like the song either). These violations somehow merit calls for them being boo'd off stage, a turd to be stomped down the drain, and lowest-common denominator?

Is it too poppy for my liking? Yes. But to respond with such hyperbole because it strays too far from metal with a song and video. Have you seen what some of the other bands on the bill do in their videos in the name of "metal" and appeals to the typical metal crowd?

What was that Spinal Tap quote again "The musical growth of this band cannot even be charted. They are treading water in a sea of retarded sexuality and bad poetry." :) I know some people will say, yea but at least that sounds like metal, which is true, but also makes my point.
The crux of the issue is expectations based on previous works and an innate ability to distinguish between genuine art and the lack thereof.
Maximalism has some of the best music Amaranthe has released in their career.

Look past "That song" and you'll discover some awesome songs. I can't stop listening to it. Yes, it's poppy as fuck, but there's a reason why "pop" music is popular.

Looking forward to seeing them live very much.

PS. This post is done with absolute zero bias, from a festival perspective or a personal-relationship perspective with the band. I'm speaking purely musically.
I ignored this thread because this band does nothing for me, but I had to peek in to see why the posts were flying in and...yeah I get it now. That's uhm, not for me (surprise!), and I get why people are a bit knickers-twisted about it. "That Song" is like...well, whatever.

The Maximalism preview shows more promise, but their style isn't going to be for me for the foreseeable future. I'll just cuddle up with my prog-snobbisms over here in the corner and ignore this stuff some more.