Amazing two hand tapping on guitar.

Jun 9, 2007
This is one of the most amazing two hand tapping I've seen on guitar. This is Enver Izmailov from Uzbekistan playing in 2006. He plays this kind of like a Chapman stick, but on guitar. Amazing player. The video is just under 8:00 and it's worth every second. Just let it load completely first and then watch it through.

And interesting thing also is that there's a part where he plays something that is almost EXACTLY like the bass tapping line in Pharaoh.
great player. I saw him a few years ago at the U. of Idaho Jazz festival. It was hard to understand what he was saying as he was introducing himself, but that sure as hell didn't matter as soon as he started playing. I got one of his cd's there and it's fantastic. His stuff tends to get a bit monotonous after a while though. I wish he would record more fusion-y stuff (maybe he has...I only have one cd). When I saw him, he did a piece using a loop pedal (not the same as the one in the vid you posted) and once he had his backing laid down he played a killer lead over it. It was very much like scott henderson meets mike stern with just a dash of Holdsworth thrown in.
Good God ! That was some kind of sweet. Now I suppose we have to throw the old Satchman in the garbage ? Does anyone know if this guy or someone else is where Satch got his ideas ? Its amazing what can be done with samplers. The improv reminded me of Ponty. Rite of Strings is playing here this weekend and Ive already made plans to go see a local band....... damn!
the rough "translation" I got at the clinic I attended was that it comes more from wanting to be able to play piano-like pieces and duet-type arrangements by himself. Stanley Jordan was the first name that someone through out (understandably so) but he said that while he enjoys Stanley's playing, he was already gigging with that kind of playing before he ever heard about Stanley Jordan. I doubt it would've come from Satch either. He says he's not much of a rock guy at all. Besides, that would be a pretty major leap from the two handed stuff Satch has put out.
What struck me is that the one tapping thing he did towards the middle of the video, on the lowest string, sounded remarkably similar to the bass tapping in Pharaoh.
No I wasnt saying it came from Satriani, I can see this guys older, been around awhile. I was wondering where Joe got his ideas? Sitting around with Vai maybe ? A take off on Eddie? Maybe from Jordan. Didnt Jordan play on his lap ? I never saw him, only heard about him and that was along time ago. I think that sounded alot different too but cant remember, its been along time since I heard him. There was some guy around that played a twin neck guitar, one left, one right, all hammers. I never saw or heard him but was told he was a phenom.

I like this guys groove, a little scat rythmn to start. Just awesome.

I was told that that violinist ?Pagnini?, the one that inspired Yngvie did taps. True or False ? Still this dude is very advanced